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fasted cardio training

Recent posts related to

fasted cardio training

What Moves You Closer to Success

By Rich Schefren | 04/14/2011

If you’d drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack if you ate a greasy meal today, would you do it? Of course not. Yet heart disease is the leading cause of death, responsible for 25.4% of all deaths in the United States alone. Or how about fastening your seat belt?…


Are You Holding Yourself Captive?

By Bob Cox | 04/13/2011

Did you know that elephants are trained to stay where they are by tying a rope around one of their massive legs and attaching it to a peg in the ground? Can the peg and rope really hold back an elephant? Absolutely not! Then why does it work? Because elephants…


Another Way to Make Money on Oil

By Christian Hill | 04/12/2011

In 2008, Exxon Mobil set a quarterly record for US companies. They made $15 billion in profits when oil prices were above $100/barrel. With oil prices still lingering above $100/barrel, they (and the rest of the oil majors) may not set a new record but they will still make obscene…


Eliminate the Flu and Make 136%

By Christian Hill | 04/11/2011

Two years ago this month, the world was gripped by fear. A global pandemic had emerged. And no one was ready for it. It was the H1N1 virus – swine flu. Fortunately our worst nightmare never came true. While the strain killed an estimated 18,000 people worldwide, it accounted for…


The Language Perfectionist: Of Course This Point Is Important

By Don Hauptman | 04/8/2011

The expression of course looks innocent, but it can create problems. Writers and speakers casually insert the phrase to indicate that something is obvious or self-evident. In most cases, it’s perfectly acceptable. But in others, it can sound insulting or patronizing. The Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style,…


Kissing Frogs Equals More Profits

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 04/8/2011

Of all the important elements you need to run a business, what do you think is the most important? Good marketing is critical… Top-notch sales copy is key… High-quality products and/or services – definitely important… Good ideas – essential. But you can get all of these things – and more…


3 Sales Rules from Internet Marketing Beach Bum

By Lesa Gutenkunst | 04/7/2011

On Wednesday morning, I watched a video by internet marketing celebrity and total beach bum, Frank Kern. In the free video, he gave 3 simple rules for selling. Rule #1 – Tell them what you have Rule #2 – Tell them what it will do for them Rule #3 –…


Profit Opportunity: Profiting From What Governments Do Best

By Andrew Gordon | 04/7/2011

Disasters have a way of creating big investment opportunities in their wake. It happened last April after the massive Gulf oil spill. And now it’s happening again in Japan. Following the Macondo Gulf blowout in 2010, the main concern was how to make the production of offshore oil less dangerous.…


What a Theme Park Can Teach You About Business

By Jason Holland | 04/6/2011

Say what you will about theme parks. (Too expensive! Too cheesy and artificial!) But they do get at least one thing right. They bend over backward to make the customer experience as good as it can possibly be. Take visitors with young kids, for example. Here are a few conveniences…


Business Success is Easier than Before

By Daniel Levis | 04/5/2011

I was sitting around socializing with some friends the other day when one of my guests told a story about how an acquaintance had driven off the highway and into a farmer’s field… She followed the tractor path four and half kilometers into a wooded bog and eventually buried her…


Copycatting Is a Good Thing

By Brian Edmondson | 04/4/2011

“So far, my website is pretty much identical to the Early to Rise site,” PG told me. PG is one of my coaching students. I had just asked him to tell me about the progress he was making with his online business. He had a sign-up box on the top…


Double Your Personal Power

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/2/2011

In any organization, power moves inexorably to those who speak well. By well, I don’t mean eloquently. I mean persuasively. There is an art and a skill to persuading people to accept your ideas.