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four hour body interval training

Recent posts related to

four hour body interval training

How to Invest Like a Multimillionaire

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/20/2010

Okay. You want to be a super-successful investor. I get it. You are already living on a fixed income. Or you are nearing retirement and worrying about whether you’ll be able to kick back and earn a passive living from your investments. I’ve been there. I’ve retired three times. I…


Catching Up With an Old Friend

By Jason Holland | 01/19/2010

I met up with a friend from college the other day. I hadn’t seen him in years. And the last I heard, he was fixing computers — living and working in his parents’ basement. And then he rolls up to my house in a BMW Z4 Roadster. “How they hell…


The Ultimate Start-Up Guide for Digital Entrepreneurs

By Marc Charles | 01/19/2010

Having a reliable source of side income is practically a “must ” these days. And don’t let the thought of setting up a business, creating products, finding customers, and marketing to them scare you. The fact is, you can get by with the bare minimum.


From Rich to Poor and Back Again

By Jason Holland | 01/15/2010

Bob Cox is the creator of Early to Rise’s Epiphany Alliance program, and a success coach for thousands of ETR readers. He’s a self-made millionaire, in-demand business consultant, co-founder of the original home shopping channel, and he personally mentored four men who went on to become billionaires.


The Language Perfectionist: The Confusables are Back!

By Don Hauptman | 01/15/2010

It’s time once again to clarify common confusions among similar words. All of the following examples appeared in major newspapers or online articles. “The census counts military personal and federal employees living abroad, but no other citizens.” Of course, the word wanted here is not personal but personnel. “Cannon 2…


Be Relentlessness in Pursuit of Your Dreams

By Robert Ringer | 01/13/2010

Although virtually everyone agrees that “time is money,” I’m convinced most people only pay lip service to this truism. If you’re really serious about it, you need to come to grips with the reality that the key ingredient for converting time into money is self-discipline.


I Hate Affiliate Prizes

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 01/12/2010

I recently received an e-mail on from an industry colleague asking us to do a mailing for his BIG launch. I know what you are thinking. Not so unusual. Correct. We get such requests all the time. His e-mail went something like this:


How to Find Your Core Values

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/11/2010

Before you can jump feet first into changing your life with a set of long-term goals, you have a job to do: Figure out what’s really important to you.


Cheating Yourself in Your Spare Time

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/8/2010

There’s a young man I know — someone I’m mentoring — who has great potential but no obvious advantages. He doesn’t have an impressive education, has no money to speak of, and has only one beneficial business connection — me.


The Language Perfectionist: “The Cry of the Awk”

By Don Hauptman | 01/8/2010

When editing the work of others, I frequently find myself imagining a mythical bird: the awk. In my fantasy, the creature would alert the writer of an awkward sentence with a terrifying cry: “Awk!”


The Worst Positioning Statement in the World: “We’re Better”

By Bob Bly | 01/8/2010

Here’s a trick question: What’s better — chopped liver or filet mignon? Most people would say “filet mignon.” But filet mignon isn’t better than chopped liver. Nor is chopped liver better than filet mignon.


The Little Bang Success Technique

By Bob Cox | 01/7/2010

According to the “Big Bang Theory,” the universe was created by a sudden, massive explosion. And many people approach goal setting the same way. They set an ambitious goal and expect it to come to fruition immediately.