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four hour body interval training

Recent posts related to

four hour body interval training

There Is No Try

By Jason Holland | 11/12/2009

You don’t see the world through your eyes, said Tom McCarthy in his Bootcamp presentation yesterday. You see it through your brain. And that means, despite the possibilities you see in front of you, your brain can sap your confidence and “psych” you out of taking action.


The X-Rated Case Study

By Jason Holland | 11/11/2009

Many of Ryan Lee’s websites look like porn sites. He admitted as much during his presentation at ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp. But Ryan is not in the porn industry. One of his major niches is fitness. And that’s where he’s applied what he’s learned from porn sites — specifically, how they…


Getting Joint-Venture Ready

By Jason Holland | 11/11/2009

Joint ventures (JVs) are a great way to get started online if you don’t yet have any products of your own to sell. And then, when you get more established, they should play a major role in your overall marketing strategy and product launches. Because JVs will get your products…


Do Unto Others…

By Jason Holland | 11/11/2009

Sales and marketing strategies, product development, and the like are essential parts of any business, of course. But, as many of the speakers at ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp have stressed this week, much of your success as an entrepreneur depends on the relationships you form with fellow business builders. In fact,…


Why You Should Focus on Building Your List of E-Mail Subscribers

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/10/2009

So you’re starting your Internet business. The first step is to make your website shiny and pretty (by spending a lot of time and/or money on it). And then build product pages and a shopping cart. And then drive visitors to your site with search engine optimization and pay-per-click ads.…


Someday I’ll…

By Jason Holland | 11/10/2009

“At this point, we cannot rule out malignancy,” he said. It wasn’t the typical opening to an Info-Marketing Bootcamp presentation. But MaryEllen Tribby, Publisher and CEO of Early to Rise, is not your typical presenter.


The Worst Thing You Can Do When You’re on the Road

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

When you’re traveling on business, it’s tempting to skip exercise and grab fast food to save time. Bad idea. You’re on the road for a good reason: There’s something important that requires your attention — and you need to stay mentally alert. The best way to do that is to…


If You Want To Become the Boss One Day…

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

If you want to become the boss one day, think like a customer and act like an owner. How do you think like a customer? Let’s start with the obvious. Your customers are interested in what’s good for them, not you. They don’t really care how hard you work or…


Bootcamp Dispatch

By Jason Holland | 11/9/2009

What do you really need to start building a life-changing amount of wealth? Your 401(k) ain’t gonna do it. Neither is your day job. The 200 aspiring Internet entrepreneurs at Bootcamp know. It was the subject of Michael Masterson’s keynote speech: The Special Theory of Automatic Wealth.


The Best Business in the World

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp started last night. And for those of you who couldn’t make it, we’ll be publishing breaking news throughout this week from the conference. Writing those Bootcamp dispatches will be Jason Holland, ETR’s Managing Editor. He’ll be playing the part of roving reporter. (His first dispatch is below.)


The Language Perfectionist: Hot Off the Press

By Don Hauptman | 11/6/2009

Can you spot anything wrong in this sentence? “Also on the front page, just below the Citizen’s masthead, the paper’s publishers added the phrase ‘Belmont’s Only Prize-Winning Newspaper,’ a thinly veiled dig at their hometown competitor, The Belmont Herald.”


An Essential Quality of a Good Leader

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/6/2009

There are basically two ways to get the people who work for you to do what you want. You can bully them into it. Or you can lead them. The bully’s method is initially effective, because it takes advantage of his superior power. But everything changes with time — including…