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four hour body interval training

Recent posts related to

four hour body interval training

“Need to Tell” vs “Want to Tell”

By John Forde | 10/23/2009

In marketing copy, “need to know” info is the facts your prospect has to hear to help him make the decision to buy your product. But it’s often the “want to know” info that has more pulling power. By that I’m talking about things your prospect has an emotional interest…


Where Do I Find a Mentor?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/23/2009

ETR reader Kendra Pearsall is eager to find a mentor and/or business partner. But she works at home, alone. “How do I find someone to work with?” she asks. Kendra, there are plenty of ways to do it. The most important thing to know is this: Don’t look for a…


How to Write a Great Corporate Memo

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/23/2009

There are dozens of tricks you can learn about business writing and, in particular, about writing a good memo. Here’s the one that I believe is the most important: Before you begin to write, ask yourself, “What is the single most important idea I want my reader to walk away…


Let’s Split this Scene

By Don Hauptman | 10/23/2009

A contentious issue among language enthusiasts is the use of the split infinitive. Before reviewing the arguments of the two sides, let’s look at a few examples:


What’s Your Constraint?

By Brian Tracy | 10/22/2009

The starting point of great success has always been the same. It is to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important than to begin by fantasizing about what you can become, have, and do. But there are obstacles along the way to achieving those dreams.


What It Really Takes To Become Wealthy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/22/2009

“I don’t have your attitude,” Jeff said to me. “I just don’t have the mindset of someone who can make a lot of money.” “Do you want to make a lot of money?” I asked him. “That’s the sad thing,” he said, smiling wryly. “I do.”


Thinking of Moving Back Into Stocks? Be Careful

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/22/2009

At the beginning of the year, The New York Times profiled several investors. Their stories were similar. As a result of the market plunge in 2008, Cindy and Eric Canup had to put off their dream of “buying land in Northern California or Oregon.” Joe Mancini had to put off…


Are Marketing Sea Changes Killing Your Response?

By Clayton Makepeace | 10/21/2009

I’m so old, I’ll betcha my tie has gone in and out of style at least five times. Not that I pay much attention to such things, mind you. My professional life revolves around marketing trends. And there again, my advanced age means I’ve seen many promotional styles over the…


TryingTo Be All Things to All People

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/21/2009

It takes courage to turn away a paying customer. But sometimes that is what you should do. Let’s say you have a business that repairs car brakes. You have three mechanics who work for you. One of them is a master mechanic. He can do just about anything. Someone comes…


Don’t Let Anyone Tell You What You Can — or Can’t — Do

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/21/2009

“I’d love to be in the communications business,” Sarah, an accountant, told me. “But I’m an introvert. Plus, I’m boring. So I studied accounting in college. And though I’m doing something I’m good at, I hate my job.”


The Only Thing That Really Matters

By Alexander Green | 10/20/2009

Why do some folks look back on their lives and say they wouldn’t change much? Or anything? Is there a formula? Some mix of love, work, habits, or attitudes that offers the best chance of a well-lived life? Researchers at Harvard have been examining this question for 72 years by…


Now or Later?

By Early to Rise | 10/20/2009

When you have an unpleasant job to do, do it right away. The natural tendency is to put it off and hope it disappears. And there are situations for which this kind of head-in-the-sand approach works best. Dealing with conflicts between subordinates, for example. My partner almost always ignores such…