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four hour body interval training

Recent posts related to

four hour body interval training

Revolutionary Breakthrough Extends Life

By Dr. Al Sears | 07/25/2009

The biggest breakthrough in anti-aging medicine in our lifetime involves telomere biology. Each time your cells divide, they copy your DNA to make the new cell. But the telomeres – the sections of DNA at both ends of a chromosome – get shorter with every copy. And the shorter your…


An Income-Doubling Secret of the Wealthy

By Raymond Aaron | 07/25/2009

Wealthy people have a secret that makes it easy for them to dramatically increase their income. You instinctively know this secret… and are probably even using it without realizing it. What is it? Leverage. When people order in pizza for dinner, they are leveraging the resources of a local pizza…


6 Ways to Take Your Online Income to the Next Level

By Early To Rise | 07/25/2009

By John Wood Fortunes continue to be made by people selling information online. If you’re interested in claiming your piece of the online pie, a great way to get started is to turn one of your passions into an e-book. And once it’s finished, marketing it is a snap. There…


Protect Your Brain With One Powerful Nutrient

By James B. LaValle | 07/24/2009

You might think that a head injury has little in common with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurogenerative diseases. And, yes, they are unrelated on the surface. But when it comes to protecting your brain from all of these traumas, you can rely on one natural nutrient: magnesium. Studies have confirmed…


How to Get an Office For Free

By Paul Lawrence | 07/24/2009

My friend George needed a good-sized space for his business – with a reception area, conference room, and a couple of offices. He didn’t want to shell out the money to buy or rent that much space. But he found a novel solution that got him what he needed… almost free…



By Craig Ballantyne | 07/23/2009

You don’t have to sacrifice flavor or variety to eat healthfully. In fact, two types of foods can help you fight disease and live longer – and they come in many delicious varieties. According to cardiovascular health expert Dr. Shah, as reported in Men’s Health m agazine, these two super-…


Do You Have a Reputation for Reliability?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/23/2009

In some ways, I’m a very reliable person. I’m very loyal. And I’m very committed to my work. But in most other things, such as returning phone calls and e-mails in a timely manner, showing up for appointments on time, and meeting deadlines, I’m not so good. I make up…


How Your Website Is Like My New Favorite Car Dealership

By Howie Jacobson | 07/23/2009

I just took my 2002 Prius to the local Toyota dealer here in North Carolina for its 100,000-mile servicing . Now I’m used to service stations and dealers in New Jersey, where standard operating procedure is to make customers guess where to park, what line to wait i n, and…


Beware of Melting Butter

By Robert Ringer | 07/23/2009

When yet another politician bit the dust not long ago, I couldn’t help but think of Henry Kissinger’s all-too-true observation that “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” I don’t have a lot to say about Governor Mark Sanford’s situation, except that I think the whole thing is very sad. I don’t…


The Skill That Generates Billions of Dollars in Revenue

By Marc Charles | 07/22/2009

Clayton Makepeace has it. Bob Bly has it. Michael Masterson has it. The late, great “infomercial king” Billy Mays had it. I’m talking about a simple skill that, if you learn and apply it, will ensure that you NEVER go hungry. This skill has enabled me to successfully negotiate multimillion-dollar…


Power Up Your Workout With 8 Pre-Workout Snacks

By Kelley Herring | 07/22/2009

You can boost your performance, improve your stamina, and keep your energy high during your workouts just by having a well-balanced “munch” before you head to the gym. Last week, I gave you some guidelines for putting together snacks that will make you feel fueled instead of full. But if…


Are You Afraid of Change?

By Bob Cox | 07/22/2009

I love my new pilot flight gear bag. It’s functional, easy to use, and the perfect size for my cockpit. But I resisted buying it for months. My previous bag was leather, with custom embroidered initials. It held all my gear and looked cool. But it was a bit bulky. Worse,…