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high rep cardio workouts

Recent posts related to

high rep cardio workouts

Open Letter to ‘The Brutal Truth’ Guy

By Nick Papple | 06/22/2016

I hate open letters so this is not going to be one. This is actually a note to myself that I think some of you will benefit from reading. A lot of bloggers and online influencers think they’re doing their audience a favor by telling them “the brutal truth.” They’ll…


Father’s Day and What Dad Means to Me

By Missi Holt | 06/20/2016

Father’s Day offers the opportunity to reflect on the wonderful men in our lives. “Once upon a time, a Long, Long, LOOONG time ago… when I was a little girl…” I giggled uncontrollably even though I knew there was no possible way my dad had once been a little girl.…


Grilled Marinated Shrimp!

By Gui Alinat | 06/20/2016

Shrimp are the most popular seafood in the United States, and certainly where I live in Florida (a block from the Gulf of Mexico), we have access to delicious shrimp. Sure, shrimp is a great protein choice. And if you’re interested in losing stubborn flab, then a nice shrimp recipe with a…


How to Cook Steak: Best Recipe Ever

By Gui Alinat | 06/17/2016

Unless you’re a vegetarian, you know that — when it’s prepared right — steak can be great. There is a very good reason beef is so popular in America, but also in other countries like Argentina, France, Italy, or Australia. That many people can’t be wrong! Restaurant studies have shown that…


4 Simple Ways to Become More Grateful

By Missi Holt | 06/13/2016

If you want to experience more positive emotions, become more grateful, feel more alive, reduce stress, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have a stronger immune system all you need to do is say two little words: “Thank you.” The benefits of practicing gratitude are practically endless,…


Refreshing Soda Alternative: Minty Watermelon Fizz

By Missi Holt | 06/10/2016

We often hear that sodas are loaded with sugar, chemicals, and artificial ingredients, wreaking havoc on our health and leaving us feeling sluggish. Yet sipping a refreshing, fizzy drink can’t be beat. If you’re trying to break away from your soda habit, a healthy soda alternative is definitely the way…


The Healthy Banana Ice Cream Recipe That Has It All

By Gui Alinat | 06/10/2016

Once in a while, I share with you a LIFE-CHANGING recipe, so that you can lose weight, feel great, and indulge in great tasting food. I’m serious when I say “LIFE-CHANGING”. I’ve already shared my fat-torching, chocolate brownie for instance, and now, here is the most amazing ice cream recipe. Wait…


The One Word Podcasters Need to Stop Saying

By Nick Papple | 06/8/2016

Right now, podcasters are having a moment. But here’s the thing about podcasting. As the market becomes more saturated, which it will, it becomes harder to stand out. Even right now, competition is fierce on iTunes and it’s only getting worse. Today, I want to help you stand out by…


Brazil Nuts Benefits

By Gui Alinat | 06/6/2016

In the Snack section of my book Eat More Burn More (starting on page 211), you’ll find all kinds of great ideas for snacks that are simple, easy, fat-burning, and delicious. You’ll even find things like a fat-burning strawberry and chocolate sauce recipe (true), and my wife Carissa’s foolproof, perfect…


10 Ways Taking a Break Helps You Succeed

By Missi Holt | 06/6/2016

Do you ever feel like life is too demanding and never-ending — with day-to-day work, project deadlines, responsibilities, social events, holidays, obligations, and chores? Sometimes you just need to get away. But if the idea of a taking a break — even a much needed one – leaves you guilt-ridden and buckling…


How Matcha Can Help You Lose Weight

By Gui Alinat | 06/3/2016

You may have read about it here and there, but trendy “Matcha” powder has great health and fat-burning benefits that you should not ignore. Matcha is the Crème de la Crème of green tea. The leaves are specially selected and grown in the shade, stems and veins removed, and processed…


Healthy Summer Salad Recipe!

By Missi Holt | 06/3/2016

 I hear from clients quite often that they are sick of salad. If they have to eat one more salad they’ll go mad. If a heap of lettuce, a few shreds of carrot and a cucumber slice or two is your idea of a salad then it’s no wonder you’re…