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I started life at 20

Recent posts related to

I started life at 20

A Rumor I Bought Into

By Rick Pendergraft | 04/12/2008

I have cautioned you before against investing in rumors, regardless of the source. But I recently bought into one myself.


The Language Perfectionist: Don’t Take this “Chance”

By Don Hauptman | 04/12/2008

The word fortuitous is regularly misused. Because of its similarity to fortunate, people assume that it means the same thing.


How to Ace a Job Interview

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 04/11/2008

During the course of my business career, I have interviewed literally hundreds of candidates for various positions. Some people make the cut. But more often, I wind up saying, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

White Bengal Tiger

The Sad Story of Mike Tyson: A Spending Fool

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/11/2008

Mike Tyson’s annual income exceeded $400 million, but his spending habits dug the superstar boxer into a pit of debt- which is a lesson for us all.


Proving You’re Not a Spammer

By David Cross | 04/11/2008

Spammers have made life tougher for Internet marketers. Anytime you send an e-mail to a subscriber to your e-newsletter, you have to navigate a maze of spam filters and wary readers.


Muscle Growth at Any Age

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 04/11/2008

Researchers from the School of Biomedical Sciences reviewed all previous studies done with elderly people who suffered from the muscle-wasting disease sarcopenia and then supplemented with whey isolate.


It’s Fun to Know: Subway Construction and Treasure Hunting

By Early To Rise | 04/10/2008

Building a new subway line is difficult, expensive work. Imagine how much more difficult and expensive it gets if you have to constantly stop construction so archaeologists can study the ancient remains you’ve dug up.


Don’t Wait Until You’re Great

By David Cross | 04/10/2008

The world is packed with thousands of successful people who leapt right in. People who became great because they were willing to take a risk.


Delicious Stevia Drink

By Dr. Ray Sahelian | 04/10/2008

My fluid intake increased dramatically since I started adding lime-flavored stevia drink packets to a quart of water. I love the taste, so I can easily drink an additional quart of water a day.


Exporters’ Spins Cover Company Sins

By Andrew Gordon | 04/10/2008

You didn’t read it here first. The companies that now look the most attractive are those that can take advantage of the falling dollar…


How Do You Find a Mentor When You Are Stuck in the Boondocks?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/10/2008

Nothing worth having in business is likely to be easy to get. And it’s certainly not going to fall in your lap…


Just Do It

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/9/2008

The American population is slowly turning into a nation of couch potato slugs.