Recent posts related to

interval training vs. cardio

Recent posts related to

interval training vs. cardio

The Power of Negative Visualization

By Alexander Green | 06/15/2009

When Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking 60 years ago, he received a stack of rejection slips from publishers. Dejected, he threw the manuscript into the trash, forbidding his wife to remove it. She didn’t. The next day, however, she took the manuscript, still inside the wastebasket, to a publisher who accepted it. The book became a foundation of the human potential movement, selling more than 20 million copies in 47 languages.


Why China Can’t Save Us

By Andrew Gordon | 06/15/2009

De-coupling lives again, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it. Remember when it made the rounds over a year ago? The idea was that even if the U.S. economy caught pneumonia, the rest of the world would at worst get a bad cough. It was argued that Europe and China were much less reliant on the U.S. economy than ever before. And China, with its massive import needs, would also keep economies from Brazil to Australia humming.


MSG and Weight Gain

By James B. LaValle | 06/12/2009

Many people avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG) – the so-called “safe” flavor enhancer – because they get a headache or upset stomach after eating it. But here’s another reason to avoid MSG: It might be causing you to gain weight. MSG has been used for some time to “fatten up” lab…


An Advanced Internet Marketing Tactic

By Howie Jacobson | 06/12/2009

Your website visitors will convert – to buyers or subscribers – when they’re ready, willing, and able. And the usability testing and feedback gathering you do should give you an idea of which of those three factors will make the biggest difference. Ready: Are your visitors ready to take the action…


The Impossible Dream

By Robert Ringer | 06/12/2009

A reader recently sent me an e-mail in which he griped about his “impossible situation.” I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder, because to me it appeared that his was an impossible situation with a lot of possibilities. So what, exactly, is an “impossible situation”? More specifically,…


Burn Carbs Not Fat!

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/12/2009

What’s the best way to get rid of ugly belly fat? If you say “Long, slow cardio to burn as much fat as you can during your workout,” you’ve got it wrong. I’ve written before in ETR about the futility of cardio. But there’s another argument to consider. It’s well…


Know What You’re Doing

By Paul Lawrence | 06/12/2009

When “Winston” asked me to help him promote one of his products, I agreed to mention it in my e-mail newsletter. I told him that all he needed to do was give me a coded link for his landing page. If you’re at all involved in marketing on the Internet,…


Why You Must Master Direct Marketing for Real Estate Investing Success

By Julie Broad | 06/12/2009

When you think about real estate investing, my guess is that you don’t immediately think “direct marketing” as well. But direct-marketing skills are essential to almost every aspect of real estate investing… from finding motivated sellers… to buying a property… to finding your ideal buyer… and more. In fact, mastering…


How to Break the Sugar Addiction

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 06/12/2009

It’s been seven years since I’ve had a soda. But there was a time when I was ravenous for Mountain Dew. It was cold, it was fizzy, and it tasted damn good. Whether I was slaving away in the lab, poring over science journals in the library, or even teaching…


Imitation: The Secret to Stronger Sales Copy

By Justin Ford | 06/12/2009

I had an old friend – no longer with us – who used to say, “If writers write, copywriters copy. Isn’t that how it works?” I wince to hear it put that way, given the many times I’ve sat there staring at a blinking cursor and trying to come up…


The Most Valuable Thing That Money Can Buy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/12/2009

Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle of it. On the left side of the page, under a column marked “Things I Enjoy,” make a list – maybe something like this: Time with family and friends Reading My hobbies (List them.) My house My…


Navigating the New Market

By Steve McDonald | 06/9/2009

Since the first day I started working in the stock and bond business, the old timers – the guys I have always sought out as a great source of advice – have said almost without exception, “The markets don’t change.” This mantra was in response to those in the business…