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How Specificity Can Help Your Presentation Sparkle!

By Peter Fogel | 05/4/2010

As a copywriter, one of the nuggets of wisdom I’ve gotten from Michael Masterson is to be as specific as possible in regards to my targeted prospects’ wants, needs, and desires. The same holds true when giving a speech (or seminar). One of the ways to make yourself a more…


10 Ways You May Waste Money When Starting a Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/3/2010

Here’s just a short list of the misguided (and even ridiculous) business start-up advice I’ve read recently:

  • Create an instant-impact message that describes the chief benefit of your business. Put it on business cards and brochures.

  • Hand out hundreds of those business cards and brochures at business functions and meetings.


How to Live as Well as a Billionaire

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/1/2010

When you think about the rich — the really rich — you may find yourself marveling at their… well, their money. Take Bill Gates. If you think $10 million is a fortune, consider this: He has 5,000 of them. If he put his money in $1,000 bills, he’d have 50…


Riding the Trend Wave

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/1/2010

Early to Riser Mark Fitzpatrick sent me an e-mail with some questions about Central American real estate. He has owned some ocean-view property in Nicaragua’s Brito foothills for about six years. (It sounds like it’s near the development I have an interest in, Rancho Santana.)


The Language Perfectionist: A Chrestomathy of Misuses

By Don Hauptman | 04/30/2010

Whenever I encounter an interesting linguistic error, I toss it into a folder. When the collection becomes large enough — which doesn’t take long — I have the raw material for a column like this one.

Review the following mistakes, and you’ll avoid committing them.

  • “We’re in the halcyon days of smartphone growth, and it won’t last forever.”

What “Type” of Investor Are You?

By Bob Irish | 04/29/2010

In the world of pop psychology, people are often divided into Type A and Type B personalities. An oversimplification, of course. Still, your “type” label says a lot about your approach to life. And guess what? It also says a lot about the way you approach investing. Type A personalities…


One of the Original TT Success Stories

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/28/2010

Hey folks! Losing fat and transforming your body is hard, and there’s no way around it.  But in times when you run into those rough patches en route to a leaner, sexier body, there’s no better pick-me-up then hearing from someone who has been exactly where you are, and overcome…


Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 04/28/2010

“You’re crazy! Why would you schedule meetings that early in the morning?” Ted asked. “You’re the president of the company… Why don’t you make it easy on yourself?”

Ted’s reaction was not unusual when I mentioned to colleagues that I had a standing phone meeting with my top copywriter/marketing strategist at 7:30 a.m. every day, Monday through Friday. The two of us had those conversations for about three years straight.


Leveraging Social Media for Leads, Sales, and More!

By Wendy Montes de Oca | 04/28/2010

Although many marketers still don’t understand how to take advantage of social media, I’m here to tell you that it’s a crucial strategy.

It’s a key element of my marketing plans. And it deserves a lot of credit for the six figures in revenue that my consulting business was bringing in — only 10 months after I got started.


How to Double Any Company’s Revenues in 12 Months

By Clayton Makepeace | 04/27/2010

Pretentious headline, right? A little “hypey,” no? Actually, no. Not at all. See, all you have to do to double your revenues is… (1) Bring in more new customers… (2) Compel customers to come back to you more often…


The Best Way to Make Money

By Bob Irish | 04/26/2010

Can you imagine turning a few hundred bucks into $900 in just three days? Or turning $360 into $720 in just seven days? Fantasy? Hardly. Some investors have found a way to book triple-digit gains without spending hours in front of a computer screen. Today, I’m going to show you…


How to Make Difficult Business Challenges Easier

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/24/2010

My friend Bernard opened a furniture shop shortly after he immigrated to Boca Raton, Florida from Manchester, England in the early 1980s. That’s when I met him. I was shopping for an armoire for our bedroom. Most of the nice ones I’d seen were priced above $500. He had a half dozen of the same quality for only $195. I asked him how he was able to do it. With a twinkle in his eye, he said, “It’s not that my prices are good. It’s the other prices that are bad.”