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Fuel Your Business Growth With the Power of Thought

By Rich Schefren | 04/22/2010

It’s no big secret that I’ve coached more “up-and-comer” Internet entrepreneurs to guru status than anyone else. Heck, that’s why I’m often referred to as “the guru to the gurus.” So it’s no big surprise that I’m often asked… What single trait separates the winners from the losers? My answer:…


The Language Perfectionist: Unintended Double Meanings

By Don Hauptman | 04/22/2010

Not long ago, an editor e-mailed a document to me, but it somehow went astray. When I told her that it hadn’t arrived, she responded with the words: “I resent it.” I wrote back, jokingly, “What do you resent?”

This is a case of a linguistic ambiguity. Because English is filled with double meanings and puns, such confusions can easily occur. The results can be amusing or tragic — or both.

Here are some classic ambiguous headlines, all alleged to be genuine mistakes. (The first became the title of a book that immortalized such errors.)


Be Picky About Picking Fights

By Harvey Mackay | 04/19/2010

Disagreements happen. You can’t always get your way. Everyone has an opinion. There are two sides to every argument. When you’re dealing with family or friends, you expect to have differences of opinion. Perhaps you are willing to fight for your views and what’s important to you. And often, because…


An Invitation to Make a Lot of Money Fast

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/17/2010

Today, I am going to give you a way to make a lot of money. And after I have explained it, I will tell you exactly how to get started.

It is a very simple strategy. I have used it and have personally seen it being used at least 100 times in the last 10 years. In the beginning, the success rate was less than 50 percent. But now, because of what we have learned, it is probably over 90 percent.


How to Master the Art of the Upsell

By David Cross | 04/15/2010

Salt is a restaurant tucked away near Patterson Park in Baltimore. I ate there last week. I’d give it 8.5 points out of 10, which for me is a very good rating. The food was great and I received an immediate warm and friendly welcome by the owner, Jane. But…


The Language Perfectionist: Punctuation Peccadilloes

By Don Hauptman | 04/15/2010

I titled a recent column “Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope.”   An eagle-eyed reader pointed out that the sentence contains an error called a “comma splice.” Because the two phrases could be complete sentences, they should be separated by a semicolon, not a comma. But as I noted, I…


Don’t Gamble

By Bob Irish | 04/14/2010

“Don’t gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.” Will Rogers’s observation on the stock market is as true today as it was over 70 years ago. It speaks to…


Want Lots More Sales? Avoid These Seven Deadly Sins

By Drayton Bird | 04/13/2010

A few years ago, after making a speech about copywriting that I thought was excellent in every way, my childish delight at my own brilliance was destroyed by a cynical listener. He said, “Well, you seem to know just about everything about what to do in order to write good…


How to Make the Trend Your Friend

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/12/2010

I’ve been in the investment advisory business for more than 30 years. During that time, I have fallen in love with all of the most voluptuous investment systems — fundamental investing, contrarian investing, technical investing, etc. Without exception, those relationships began euphorically. I was happy to have discovered some new…


Are You an Existentialist?

By Alexander Green | 04/12/2010

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that came about in the late 19th century. It is not some abstract set of theoretical truths.


The Language Perfectionist: Confusables, Redux

By Don Hauptman | 04/8/2010

When I studied French in high school, we were taught the phrase faux amis, or “false friends.” The expression refers to foreign-language words whose meanings you think you know but which can lead you astray if you’re not careful. A similar phenomenon occurs in English, as demonstrated by the many…


How to Lose Everything and Never Miss a Beat

By PJ McClure | 04/7/2010

“We have a fire!” Slowly waking from my Nyquil induced sleep, I struggled to understand what my wife was saying. “We’ve got what?” “We have a fire!” she said again, bringing me fully awake. I stumbled out of the bedroom and toward some unusual noises in the garage. When I…