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Tap Into the World’s Best Ideas

By Early to Rise | 10/19/2009

Many, if not most, successful people attribute a share of their success to the books they read. To keep my mind bubbling with good ideas, I read one business or self-help book every week. I don’t read these books cover to cover. I use a speed-reading program I devised several…


Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now

By Early to Rise | 10/19/2009

In today’s essay, I pass along a bit of brilliance from Dan Kennedy. It helped me understand why, for example, harping on our lousy economy can be hurtful to your advertising. After that, I explain why budgeting is no way to save money, where I get some of my best…


Online marketing is a science not an art form

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Only the faint tick of the grandfather clock broke the silence as I waited for him to acknowledge my presence. He’d summoned me to his office to discuss the great idea I’d outlined in a memo only last week. So new in the company, yet already meeting with the Managing…


When Your Business Founders, Take Charge of Selling

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Contrary to what the Obama administration would like you to believe, the Great Recession is alive and growing. Businesses are going bankrupt right and left. And those that aren’t tanking are seeing their profits diminish. This trend will probably continue. So if you are struggling to make profits and are…


Too Old to Keep Trying?

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Several weeks ago, I told you about a guy I met at Joe’s cigar bar. He was 54, out of a job, and ready to give up. He was too old to start over, he claimed. Death is inevitable, I told him. But aging is mostly a state of mind.…


Meantime Vs Meanwhile

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

If you’re old enough, you may recall a song that contains the lyric, “So it’s the meantime, meantime / All they gave me is that in-between time.”


The Low-Fat Trap

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Think you’re being “good” by eating low-fat foods? Sorry, says Total Health Breakthroughs’ Melanie Segala. They’re bad for you. That’s because when the fat is removed manufacturers add starchy processed carbs to keep the food tasty. So stay away from low-fat. The added carbs could cause heart disease and diabetes.


Train Your Staff To Be Your Information Filters

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Your staffers may try to dazzle you by producing voluminous white papers, complex analyses, etc. So what? These days, anyone can find huge amounts of data on the Internet on any topic. And it’s a big waste of your time to dig through it to find something you can use.


Your Constant Companion

By Early to Rise | 10/15/2009

You have a companion. One that never, ever leaves you. It sticks with you, staying even closer than your shadow. It is like a leech sucking your blood, and you cannot shake it loose. This constant companion is your mental chatter. Another name for it is your internal monologue. It…


I Hate Sleeping In

By Early to Rise | 10/15/2009

When you are an early riser, getting up two hours later seems like you are losing half a day. My back was cramping yesterday, so I took a muscle relaxer last night. I slept fitfully and didn’t get out of bed till 8:00. That’s at least two hours “late” for…


How Much “Envisioning” Should You Do?

By Early to Rise | 10/15/2009

BK, MN, BB, and I were talking about mergers and how companies are managed afterward. The doomed AOL/Time-Warner combo (and split earlier this year) came up. This got very quickly into the question of how much forward thinking a CEO should do.


Keyword due diligence

By Bob Bly | 10/14/2009

Before you optimize your website or buy pay-per-click (PPC) traffic, you should perform “keyword due diligence.” That means you must check to see that Internet users are actually searching for information on your product by using the same keywords you assumed they would use. When I tell this to people,…