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Who Pays Attention to Big Business?

By Early to Rise | 10/14/2009

A recent study found that 2008’s media coverage of the financial crisis was all about big government and big business. Small-business issues merited just 5 percent of the total. Newspapers and magazines and television experts were almost entirely focused on the auto industry, bank bailouts, and stimulus plans. And most…


How to Get Out of That Damned Rut

By Early to Rise | 10/14/2009

“How do you get out of a rut?” a good friend asked me. “Regain passion for your work? Get yourself up for each day?” “Have you thought about this?” he continued. “It happens to me often. It makes me miserable. I feel useless, because I tend to piss away the…


Eat More… and Lose Weight?

By Early to Rise | 10/14/2009

This is a fat country. And that means Americans are prone to a long list of fat-related health problems. Heart disease and high blood pressure are two of the big ones. Dr. Al Sears, my personal physician, has helped me lose more than 25 pounds of fat, reduce my blood…


A Classic Success-Thwarting Mistake

By Early to Rise | 10/14/2009

I sent a memo to a client last week, telling him about a clever advertising campaign that one of his competitors is using. I had inside info that the competitor is making a lot of money with it. My client’s response was to tell me what is wrong with what…



By Early to Rise | 10/14/2009

“Eighty-six” is diner slang for taking an item off the menu or canceling an order. It’s also used by bars and restaurants when they refuse to serve an unruly or drunk customer. By extension, it can mean rejecting, discarding, or getting rid of anything or anyone (especially gangster style).


Reflecting on Freedom

By Early to Rise | 10/13/2009

Just about everyone claims to be in favor of freedom. But few seem to agree on what it means. One person’s idea of freedom can actually violate another person’s freedom. To one person, it means doing what he wants with his own life. To another, it means doing what he…


Persuade Everybody About Anything by Adding a “Pitch”

By Early to Rise | 10/13/2009

If you want people to do as you wish, don’t tell them, sell them. This is a simple rule that applies to almost any situation. I not only use it in my advertising copy, I use it to persuade my:


Don’t Walk Away With Nothing

By Early to Rise | 10/13/2009

Important Sales Insight: People often feel guilty about saying “no.” After you’ve spent time trying to persuade them to buy something, they feel bad about just saying “no.” They may say “no,” but there is lingering guilt for having wasted your time.


Keep It to Yourself

By Early to Rise | 10/13/2009

You know those parents who say they want to be their children’s “best friends”? You know the ones I’m talking about. Those obnoxious moms and pops with six-pack abs and designer jeans who have fun smoking pot with their kids and passing them candy-flavored condoms.


The art of criticism the skill of praise

By Early to Rise | 10/12/2009

How can you get your key employees to quickly develop the skills and talents they need? How do you get them to understand what you understand? In short, how do you get them to succeed? These people can make your future immensely richer, fuller, and happier. But much of what…


A Conversational Trick That I Promised Myself I’d Practice More Often

By Early to Rise | 10/12/2009

If you are lucky enough to be in the company of a successful businessman, don’t waste his precious time — and yours — chitchatting about baseball. This is a rare opportunity that should be treasured. So take advantage of it. Ask good questions, such as:


Are You Taking Statin Drugs? Read This Immediately

By Early to Rise | 10/12/2009

Surprise. Surprise. Yet another important bit of information has been swept under the rug by Big Pharma. Turns out that statins, a $20 billion cash cow for the drug industry, have a serious side effect: They can cause a huge drop in the body’s level of CoQ10. And if you’re…