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Striding Versus Striving

By Christine Comaford | 07/8/2009

Steven sells his products directly from his website, as well as through hotels and gift shops. His revenue had gradually increased for five years, but then dipped and then plateaued last year. He tried motivating the troops, finding new sales channels, and hiring new salespeople, but nothing changed. Then Steven…


The Big Fat Vegetarianism Lie

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 07/7/2009

I’m pretty selective about what I eat. Nothing is more important to maintain good health and a slim physique than proper diet. Most of us agree on that. The argument usually arises when we attempt to define “proper diet.” Some insist on a vegetarian diet, while others proclaim meat to…


Short Words, More Word Power

By John Forde | 07/7/2009

Brevity, they say, is the soul of wit. And if that’s true, I admit… sometimes, I can be a little soulless. See, I was taught to love what the nuns used to call “25 cent words.” These are the words, they told us, that make you sound smart. That win you…


A Boomer Industry That Could Make You Rich

By Marc Charles | 07/7/2009

Aging baby boomers are driving a multibillion-dollar market, according to a recent study by And there’s a big opportunity for you to tap into the trend. I’m talking about the “cosmeceutical” industry. (”Cosmeceutical” is a combination of two words: cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.) Examples of cosmeceuticals include skin- and hair-care…


How to Get People to Open Your E-mails

By Alex Mandossian | 07/3/2009

Picture this: You spend hours writing an article that you KNOW will motivate people to tears/laughter/action. You send it to your e-mail list – a group of people who have specifically asked to hear from you – and no one opens the e-mail. The article ends up unread, deep in…


The Post Office’s Loss Is Your Gain

By Charles Newcastle | 07/2/2009

The U.S. Postal Service is slashing services to the bone. They are reducing business hours and eliminating delivery on weekends in many areas. All of these cuts have opened the door to a unique business opportunity for you: providing private mail services. With this business, you would offer the same…


The Easiest Little Retirement Plan

By Julie Broad | 07/2/2009

My brother is a talented carpenter. Before becoming a carpenter, he was an amazing chef. He is also extremely good at repairing and rebuilding cars. In fact, he’s good at anything that requires patience and attention to detail. Except, that is, when it comes to his finances.


Why Good Sales Copy Is Priceless

By Clayton Makepeace | 07/2/2009

About a week ago, a subscriber called to inquire if my direct-marketing agency, Response Ink, would build a website for him. Although we are not looking to add new clients at this time, his company has an intriguing – even ingenious – business model. And so my curiosity got the…


Could Today Be Your Personal Independence Day?

By Yanik Silver | 07/1/2009

July 4th is the day for all Americans to celebrate their independence. But what does “independence day” – mean for you personally? My father reminds me that July 3, 1976 was his “independence day,” since that’s the day my family came to the United States from Russia.


Is Oprah’s Fat-Loss Tip Making You Fat?

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 06/30/2009

In 2006, I sent out a nationwide media release insisting that Oprah’s fat-loss methods – which included walking as her primary exercise – were actually making her fat. Even worse, they were making the millions of Americans following her lead fat too.


3 Rules for Burning Fat Over 40

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/29/2009

One of the side effects of aging is that you lose the ability to burn fat at the drop of a hat. So if you’re over 40 and want to lose belly fat, here’s what you have to do: Rule #1: Eat a low-calorie diet, focusing on whole, natural foods.…


Do You Have a Killer Support System?

By Early To Rise | 06/29/2009

Susan was tired of being a professional speaker. She’d often spend 200 days a year on the road, away from her family. And she knew it was time to build a business that wouldn’t be completely dependent on her. But how? She needed a killer support system to help her figure out what she could do and then help her do it.