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Know What You’re Doing

By Paul Lawrence | 06/12/2009

When “Winston” asked me to help him promote one of his products, I agreed to mention it in my e-mail newsletter. I told him that all he needed to do was give me a coded link for his landing page. If you’re at all involved in marketing on the Internet,…


Why You Must Master Direct Marketing for Real Estate Investing Success

By Julie Broad | 06/12/2009

When you think about real estate investing, my guess is that you don’t immediately think “direct marketing” as well. But direct-marketing skills are essential to almost every aspect of real estate investing… from finding motivated sellers… to buying a property… to finding your ideal buyer… and more. In fact, mastering…


How to Break the Sugar Addiction

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 06/12/2009

It’s been seven years since I’ve had a soda. But there was a time when I was ravenous for Mountain Dew. It was cold, it was fizzy, and it tasted damn good. Whether I was slaving away in the lab, poring over science journals in the library, or even teaching…


Imitation: The Secret to Stronger Sales Copy

By Justin Ford | 06/12/2009

I had an old friend – no longer with us – who used to say, “If writers write, copywriters copy. Isn’t that how it works?” I wince to hear it put that way, given the many times I’ve sat there staring at a blinking cursor and trying to come up…


The Most Valuable Thing That Money Can Buy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/12/2009

Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle of it. On the left side of the page, under a column marked “Things I Enjoy,” make a list – maybe something like this: Time with family and friends Reading My hobbies (List them.) My house My…


Navigating the New Market

By Steve McDonald | 06/9/2009

Since the first day I started working in the stock and bond business, the old timers – the guys I have always sought out as a great source of advice – have said almost without exception, “The markets don’t change.” This mantra was in response to those in the business…


Question Marks in Copy

By Clayton Makepeace | 06/9/2009

Now some folks will tell you that beginning sales copy with a question is bad form. After all – any question you ask could be answered in a way that is not helpful to your objectives. And your sales letter could wind up in the trash.


How to Zap Fatigue Within Seconds

By Matt Furey | 06/9/2009

It’s amazing but true. Most people get up tired and go to bed tired. Going to bed tired makes some sense – but waking up tired is inexcusable.

How can you be tired when you wake up? You haven’t done anything yet, right?


The Dangers of Throwing Your Recommendation Around

By Suzanne Richardson | 06/9/2009

A few months ago, a former neighbor asked me if there were any job openings in ETR’s editorial department. If so, she wanted her daughter “Gwen” – a young woman I’d known for years – to apply for a position.


The Banks Are Back… or Are They?

By Andrew Gordon | 06/8/2009

Their profits are up. Their write-downs are lower. The government is riding shotgun for them. And the worst is over. The banks are back, right? Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and even Citigroup all reported profits for the first quarter of 2009. But a closer look under the hood reveals some “creative accounting”…


Defy Aging DNA the Easy Way

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 06/8/2009

When they’re 65 years old, most of your friends will be sitting idle in an old folks home, counting the weeks by the number of times they play bingo. But not you. If you learn how to boost one single enzyme in your body, you can defy aging the easy way. You’ll be traveling the world, maybe parachuting for the first time or perhaps starting a highly profitable business.


Going From Brand to Religion

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/8/2009

My wife K is a member of a cult. As a loyal member, she never gives up an opportunity to proselytize. Over the years, she has recruited our sons and most of her friends into her religion.

The cult she belongs to is represented by a symbol. It has distinct colors. It has a special language that other cult members recognize. They love their religion. They worship at its altars. They sing its praises. They believe that anyone who is not a member of their cult is silly, stupid, or foolish. And they will argue with you if you say one word against it.