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Home Sweet Home

By Christian Hill | 04/2/2009

My hometown of Detroit has been all over the news recently. Thankfully, it’s been for something other than the transgressions of our former mayor…


7 Steps to Becoming the Best in Your Field

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/2/2009

To make this year the year you successfully start a profitable business (or make the business you have already started more profitable than ever), resolve to be the smartest person you know about the business you are in.

It’s a bold objective, but it is possible. Here’s how to do it:


It’s Time to Invest in Oil Again!

By Ted Peroulakis | 04/1/2009

I told my readers to short oil when it was at $120 per barrel on April 23, 2008. I was a little early to the party, but oil did drop below $33 a barrel in December of 2008. Now, I think oil has bottomed and is about to head higher.


Silver Spoonerisms

By Don Hauptman | 04/1/2009

In honor of April Fool’s Day, let’s look once again at the lighter side of language. You’ve surely heard, or perhaps even committed, a spoonerism – the exchange, often accidental, of the initial letters or sounds of two words, which results in a surprising and funny new meaning. For instance, one might intend to say “It’s time to leave the house” but inadvertently say “It’s time to heave the louse.”


Valkyrie, Socrates, and You

By Robert Ringer | 04/1/2009

If you haven’t yet seen Valkyrie, the Tom Cruise film about the best-known of the 15 or so plots to kill Adolf Hitler, I highly recommend that you purchase or rent the DVD.


AIDA: A 100-Year-Old Formula That You Can Use to Make More Money

By Alex Mandossian | 03/31/2009

If you’re an entrepreneur, CEO, public speaker, author, or information marketer, you owe it to yourself, your business, and your lifestyle to take a closer look at the revenue-generating potential of teleseminars – even if you’ve never listened to one.


Where to Retire If You Can No Longer Afford to Live in the States

By Dan Prescher | 03/31/2009

Real estate prices in the U.S. are becoming more attractive thanks to the huge dose of reality injected into the market by the mortgage bubble burst. But people still keep shopping in Mexico, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brazil… throughout Latin America. Throughout the world.


When You’re Applying to a Company That’s Stuck in the “Resume Rut”

By Jason Holland | 03/31/2009

The traditional resume is all about you, not what you can do for the company. That’s why we encourage Early to Risers to send out “sales letters” instead, highlighting how you can increase profits, improve customer service, etc.


Organics: More Than Meets the Eye

By Kelley Herring | 03/31/2009

The next time you’re at the grocery, pick up a conventionally grown apple and an organically grown apple. Smell them. While the organic apple will be more fragrant, there won’t be much difference in the way they look.


Emotional Detachment and the Zen of Golf

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/30/2009

About a month ago, I played golf for the first time with Number Three Son (N3S). I was looking forward to a pleasant afternoon. I imagined fresh air, healthy sunshine, and that father-son banter that women who don’t understand men categorize as superficial.


Don’t Let the Recession Make You Overweight

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/28/2009

Japanese scientists studied 122 workers between the ages of 21 and 60. They found that work stress (in the form of tension, anxiety, and depression) was associated with an increase in what they called “eating to satiety” (meaning eating until they were completely full). Unfortunately, eating to satiety was also associated with weight gain.


Does Investing Your Time Guarantee Success?

By Bob Cox | 03/28/2009

Last week, my wife Karin and I received an e-mail inquiry about one of the goal-setting programs we offer through Early to Rise. The gentlemen indicated that he was at a point where he was looking for a real change, not a temporary fix. He was interested in the program, yet skeptical. He wanted more than a money-back guarantee. He said that he would follow the material to the letter, but was hesitant to invest his time unless we could guarantee that his time wouldn’t be wasted – that the program would work specifically for him.