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How to Make a Buddha Bowl for Weight Loss

By Early to Rise | 07/9/2015

Oddly enough, one of the biggest trends in the and health food world right now is named after a man often depicted as having a big, round belly. Yes, you guessed it: Buddha. Buddha bowls, sometimes referred to as glory or hippie bowls, are hearty, filling dishes made of various…


6 Relaxing Yoga Poses For Beginners

By Missi Holt | 07/9/2015

Whether you’re an expert or beginner to yoga, these six moves will relax and revitalize your body. Below are poses demonstrated by Master Fitness & Nutrition Therapist Missi Holt and what health benefits they provide. Child’s Pose (Balasana) Begin by kneeling on a yoga mat or the floor. Bring your knees apart and your…


Your 5-Minute Routine For Killer, Ageless Arms

By Mary | 07/8/2015

Prevention These ridiculously effective arm exercises will help you sculpt stronger, leaner arms in less time than it takes to drive to the gym. All you need are a pair of dumbbells and—because these exercises target multiple muscles at once—only 5 quick minutes. Do this routine every other day for the next…


6 Ways Yoga Will Help You Stay Young

By Mary | 07/7/2015

msn health & fitness IS YOGA THE KEY TO ANTI-AGING? The word ‘yoga’ is Sanskrit and has many translations, including ‘union.’ The practice originated as a philosophy to unite mind, body and spirit through breath control, meditation and physical postures. Today mounting evidence suggests that there are major age-defying benefits’and…


3 Waistline Friendly Adult Beverages

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2015

Below you will find 3 simple tips to healthier boozing, along with 3 healthier alcoholic drinks that you can enjoy this weekend guilt free [in moderation of course!]. 3 simple tips to healthier boozing: Use real fruit instead of sugar or flavored syrups, or other sugary mixes. The real fruit…


10 Ways You’re Throwing Away Thousands of Dollars Each Year

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2015

the PENNY HOARDER Who doesn’t waste money? We all pay too much at times because we want something right now. And on occasion, if we’re being honest with ourselves, we buy things we don’t really need. We might notice these spending mistakes and laugh about them, and (hopefully) learn from…


Wasting Money: 29 Ways To Stop Throwing Away Cash

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2015

HUFF POST Money I consider myself a Budget Jedi. I watch my accounts like a hawk, shop sales, and stay home more often than I’d like to save money. But back in February, I realized I was still wasting money. In fact, I blew $35.94 in one week. You can…


13 Reasons Your 40s are Your Best Decade

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2015

METRO Life doesn’t begin at 40, but in many cases it starts to get a lot easier. You’ve clambered up the greasy career pole, been through the terrors of new parenthood and turned your back on really bad outfits and haircuts. Here’s why your forties are fantastic. 1. People think…


What You Need to Know Today: July 3

By Nick Papple | 07/3/2015

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams + 25 inspiring quotes from Americans to kick off the 4th of July holiday long weekend. Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know: TECH…


Foods that Age-Proof Your Brain

By Mary | 07/2/2015

msn health & fitness Studies show that eating certain nutrient-dense foods can protect your brain from mental and cognitive decline. Help keep your mind sharp with these good-for-you ingredients. Foods that Age-Proof Your Brain: ALMONDS Almonds are rich in vitamin E: an antioxidant that has shown some success in slowing…


3 Super Juices [better alternatives than commercial recovery drinks]

By Early To Rise | 07/2/2015

Beet Juice: Beet juice is rich is nitrates which has been shown to improve blood flow – increasing the oxygen supply to the muscles. A study from the UK’s University of Exeter showed the juice helped the muscles of runners and walkers use oxygen more efficiently. Runners lasted 15% longer…


How To Add 19 Years To Your Life

By Mary | 07/1/2015

msn health and fitness Want to know exactly what clean living can do for you? Researchers are getting more and more specific about the rewards you can reap from your healthy lifestyle. These 5 habits that will tack on quality years. 1. Run for your life. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that women who jog live…