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live off $65

Recent posts related to

live off $65

Don’t Gamble

By Bob Irish | 04/14/2010

“Don’t gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.” Will Rogers’s observation on the stock market is as true today as it was over 70 years ago. It speaks to…


Want Lots More Sales? Avoid These Seven Deadly Sins

By Drayton Bird | 04/13/2010

A few years ago, after making a speech about copywriting that I thought was excellent in every way, my childish delight at my own brilliance was destroyed by a cynical listener. He said, “Well, you seem to know just about everything about what to do in order to write good…


How to Make the Trend Your Friend

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/12/2010

I’ve been in the investment advisory business for more than 30 years. During that time, I have fallen in love with all of the most voluptuous investment systems — fundamental investing, contrarian investing, technical investing, etc. Without exception, those relationships began euphorically. I was happy to have discovered some new…


Are You an Existentialist?

By Alexander Green | 04/12/2010

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that came about in the late 19th century. It is not some abstract set of theoretical truths.


The Language Perfectionist: Confusables, Redux

By Don Hauptman | 04/8/2010

When I studied French in high school, we were taught the phrase faux amis, or “false friends.” The expression refers to foreign-language words whose meanings you think you know but which can lead you astray if you’re not careful. A similar phenomenon occurs in English, as demonstrated by the many…


How to Lose Everything and Never Miss a Beat

By PJ McClure | 04/7/2010

“We have a fire!” Slowly waking from my Nyquil induced sleep, I struggled to understand what my wife was saying. “We’ve got what?” “We have a fire!” she said again, bringing me fully awake. I stumbled out of the bedroom and toward some unusual noises in the garage. When I…


Evolution, Not Revolution

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/6/2010

The average person believes that great wealth is created by revolutionary breaks with tradition. The Instinctive Wealth Builder (IWB) believes in Darwin. It’s not surprising that so many people believe in revolution. Many best-selling books have supported it. Read the popular biographies of Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, or Bill Gates…


What I Learned at the Franklin Mint

By Drayton Bird | 04/6/2010

How many geniuses have you met? I met Charlie Chaplin (very briefly) in 1966 while working on publicity for the film Fahrenheit 451. Then I was lucky enough to work with David Ogilvy for eight years. Ogilvy still exerts enormous influence in the marketing business, and if you haven’t read…



By Clayton Makepeace | 04/5/2010

Most  marketers approach their prospects like an army would attack a walled city: with a full frontal assault. We come at them with flags flying, trumpets blaring, and missiles flying. Our siege machines hurl fiery projectiles, our archers darken the sky with arrows, and we send row after row of…


The Language Perfectionist: “The Mischief of Language”

By Don Hauptman | 04/1/2010

For the title of this year’s annual April Fools’ Day column, I’ve borrowed a phrase from Leo Rosten (1908-1997), the humorist and screenwriter. As devotees of “recreational linguistics” know, English isn’t just rules and grammar. It has a fun side, too. Wordplay can assume an astonishing variety of forms. Here’s…



By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/31/2010

I never wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. In fact, I never wanted to climb anything. Still, I couldn’t say no to Dr. Al Sears again. He is a good friend and an important client. And I’d been demurring on all sorts of hiking and climbing invitations from him for about…


The Magic Formula for Online Business

By David Cross | 03/31/2010

Through juniper and sagebrush and parched grasslands. Past herds of mule deer, elk, and pronghorn antelope. On and on, we drove… into the primeval forest of southeast Oregon. I took last week off. Really off. Disconnected from most things electronic, except for my trusty laptop, my wife and I embarked…