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live off $65

Recent posts related to

live off $65

Making Every Day Thanksgiving

By Robert Ringer | 11/25/2010

Like most people, I love the festive atmosphere of Thanksgiving. The spirit of this special day seems to put everyone in a good mood. But, like so many of our national holidays, I doubt that many people reflect on its purpose. In this regard, I’d like to share with you…


Two Sword-in-the-Stone Secrets

By Dan Kennedy | 11/24/2010

My newest book, No B.S. Wealth Attraction in the New Economy, is all about making yourself magnetic to money, in part via different approaches to marketing. Here’s some insight into that process… Last year, I bought a 1972 AMC Javelin. Not as an investment. Just to drive around during the…


When the Housing Bust Will End

By Steve Sjuggerud | 11/23/2010

Ten thousand a month…

That’s how many foreclosures Palm Beach, Florida-based GMAC employee Jeremy Stephan was required to sign off on. His signature confirmed that the paperwork was in order, kicking off the foreclosure process.


What Pirates and Princesses Taught Me About Business

By Jason Holland | 11/22/2010

My wife is a “stay-at-home mom.” But she also has a part-time business: selling children’s books. We pack up our minivan on weekends and head out to holiday bazaars, fall festivals, etc. in our area to sell them. The books are great, and very culturally diverse. Many are based on…


How to Enjoy the Writer’s Life

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/20/2010

The most productive and, next to JK Rowling, richest writer in the world is James Patterson.

If you don’t recognize the name, he is the author of Don’t Blink and The Postcard Killers, as well as 48 other books….


The Talking Editorial

By Jason Holland | 11/19/2010

Many people think that “living green” means shelling out a bunch of money. And that you have to be a dedicated environmentalist to make that sacrifice.

But as Internet Money Club member Steve Stillwater explained to me between sessions at ETR’s recent Info-Marketing Bootcamp… you can actually save thousands a year in heating, electrical, and other bills by making a few simple changes.


The Language Perfectionist: This Is One of the Columns That…

By Don Hauptman | 11/18/2010

Decades ago, now-defunct McCall’s magazine ran a marketing campaign that featured portraits of sexy dames, including Carly Simon and Tina Turner, along with the tongue-in-cheek caption “One of the boring housewives who reads McCall’s.” Over a period of months, the trade journal Advertising Age published numerous letters from readers, ferociously…


My Readers Have Made 70% So Far

By Christian Hill | 11/18/2010

This past May, I told a small group of my readers to invest in gold. At the time, it was trading at $1,200 an ounce. Right now, the price of gold is right around $1,325 an ounce. That is a nice 10% gain in six months. A solid performance in…


What Drives Creativity?

By Harvey Mackay | 11/17/2010

Imagine if you could turn on creativity like starting a car, rev the engine to get up to speed, cruise along in the fast lane, and then park it in the garage until you needed it again. Is there anything you couldn’t accomplish? We’ve all had days when the engine…


You Have More Courage Than You Think

By Noah St. John | 11/16/2010

My fiancee Babette and I recently rented the “Karate Kid” movie starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan.

She really really wanted to see it, but I was pretty sure it was going to be cheeseball. I never saw the original, and was fine with missing this remake.


When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Money!

By Pete Genot | 11/15/2010

You’ve probably heard the expression “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” In other words, turn a negative into a positive. I’d rather turn it into money! Let me explain… I was invited to be a coach at Early to Rise’s 5 Days in July Internet Business Building Conference in…


Your ETR Insider

By Laura Rodini | 11/12/2010

Wow! How weird it feels to sit at my desk again — something I haven’t done since our Info-Marketing Bootcamp began on Sunday.

I didn’t want the conference to end. The energy in the grand ballroom at the Delray Beach Marriott was simply electric.

Part of that came from the great presentations…