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The Power of Pay-Per Click

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 06/2/2010

Yes, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has an immediate cost associated with it. And if you do it wrong, it could mean thousands of dollars wasted.

However, if you do it correctly, the rewards are plentiful.

You can set up an AdWords account in five minutes and start seeing results immediately. Best of all, if your ad isn’t working, you can replace it with something new.

Another benefit of PPC is that you can narrow its reach. You can show your ad to everyone on the Internet… or you can target it to specific countries, regions, states, or even cities.


Why Common Knowledge Kills Success

By Rich Schefren | 06/1/2010

Picture this:

A hot prospect stumbles across your blog…

… pulls up a recent post…

… starts to read it…

… stops midway through…

… leaves your site…

… and never returns again!


Harnessing China’s Production Power

By Laura Rodini | 05/28/2010

For years, Michael Masterson has been encouraging his readers to start a side business, preferably on the Internet, in order to develop multiple sources of income.

With many hundreds of millions of dollars to his credit, Michael certainly knows a thing or two about how to do it!

He says the simplest way to start a successful side business right now is to harness the production powerhouse that is China.

“First,” he says, “you find a popular product that is selling for about $100.”

“Next, you find someone in China to knock it off and sell it to you for $10.


Put Some Lead in Your Pencil!

By David Cross | 05/27/2010

I’ve written before about what to write about when you’re "stuck."

How-to articles are the perfect antidote to writer’s block. But if your goal is to create content for your e-mail newsletter or website to attract search engines, you cannot rely on them every time. Thankfully, there is another type of article that’s remarkably simple to write. Your readers will love it — and so will the search engines.


The Language Perfectionist: “Who That?”

By Don Hauptman | 05/27/2010

A reader of this column asked about the proper use of who and that.

Here’s an often-cited quip by George Bernard Shaw: "The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."

Shaw is regarded as a skilled writer. But is his use of who correct? Not according to language guru Charles Harrington Elster. In his useful and entertaining style guide What in the Word?, Elster writes: "It is a grave sin to use who of things, as in ‘the company who.’"


The #1 Reason Internet Businesses Fail

By Perry Marshall | 05/26/2010

Quick… What business is McDonald’s in?

Burgers, right? It says so right on their sign. Bazillions served every day.

BUZZZZZ… Sorry. No prize for you. Thank you for playing.

McD’s is REALLY in the business of selling…


The Almost Perfect Business for Entrepreneurs of EVERY Shape and Size

By Marc Charles | 05/25/2010

China exports over $1 trillion in goods each year. And that makes it one of the great new opportunities of the 21st century for entrepreneurs like you. But you need to understand how the game is played.

Introducing the $6 billion Internet Goldmine…

I’m talking about a website that has become the largest and most successful import/export marketplace in the world. It boasts more than 25 million members in 200 countries. The company has offices in more than 30 cities in China (including Hong Kong), Europe, and the United States. And it was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last year.


How to Write Ads That Read Themselves

By Clayton Makepeace | 05/24/2010

We humans don’t mind working. We’ll work to make good money. We’ll enthusiastically work to attract a lover. We’ll work conscientiously at raising good kids. We’ll work joyfully at a hobby. We’ll even work (as I did) for a sense of satisfaction and to make a memory.

… But ninety-nine-point-ninety-nine times out of a hundred, we will not work to read an unsolicited ad.

formula for getting rich

A Simple Formula for Getting Rich

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/22/2010

Following the Walton family who created Walmart, the most simple formula for getting rich involves finding a popular product and selling it for less.


You Don’t Have to Be a Walmart…

By Marc Charles | 05/20/2010

I’m sure you’ve heard of the $1.2 trillion Chinese export market. It’s where some of the largest companies in the world make their money. They buy products manufactured in China for pennies on the dollar… and sell them in the U.S. for a huge markup.

But you don’t have to be a Walmart to get in on this opportunity.

I’ve profiled hundreds of successful entrepreneurs using this model. And they all started with limited or no experience and not much money.


The Language Perfectionist: Still More Repetitive Redundancies

By Don Hauptman | 05/20/2010

On National Public Radio recently, I heard the words “news journalists.” This is a quintessential redundancy. My hunch is that the commentator’s intended meaning was “print journalists,” in contrast to those who work in broadcasting or online.

Here are a few more redundant expressions I encountered recently in the pages of newspapers and online:

  • “Does it put a negative stigma on a company? I think the answer is definitely.”

Never Lose Hope

By Harvey Mackay | 05/19/2010

In Greek mythology, Pandora opened her fabled box and let out all evils except for hope, which the Greeks considered to be as dangerous as the world’s other evils. Soon they discovered that without hope to offset their troubles, humanity was filled with despair. So Pandora let out hope as well. In the myth, hope was more potent than any of the other major evils.

In modern times, we consider hope to be anything but evil. It’s what gets many of us through our worst days. Lingering unemployment, foreclosures, dwindling retirement funds, businesses folding — any of these could make a person lose hope.