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How to Find Your Core Values

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/11/2010

Before you can jump feet first into changing your life with a set of long-term goals, you have a job to do: Figure out what’s really important to you.


Cheating Yourself in Your Spare Time

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/8/2010

There’s a young man I know — someone I’m mentoring — who has great potential but no obvious advantages. He doesn’t have an impressive education, has no money to speak of, and has only one beneficial business connection — me.


The Language Perfectionist: “The Cry of the Awk”

By Don Hauptman | 01/8/2010

When editing the work of others, I frequently find myself imagining a mythical bird: the awk. In my fantasy, the creature would alert the writer of an awkward sentence with a terrifying cry: “Awk!”


The Worst Positioning Statement in the World: “We’re Better”

By Bob Bly | 01/8/2010

Here’s a trick question: What’s better — chopped liver or filet mignon? Most people would say “filet mignon.” But filet mignon isn’t better than chopped liver. Nor is chopped liver better than filet mignon.


The Little Bang Success Technique

By Bob Cox | 01/7/2010

According to the “Big Bang Theory,” the universe was created by a sudden, massive explosion. And many people approach goal setting the same way. They set an ambitious goal and expect it to come to fruition immediately.


A Small Thing That Can Make a Productive Difference

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/6/2010

About two years ago, BK, a retired publisher who does more work in one day than most working publishers do in a week, shared one of his secrets with me. Wherever he goes, he carries in his pocket a very small pad of paper and a pencil. He uses these…


How to Increase Response by 15 Percent

By Bob Bly | 01/6/2010

Years ago, I had a client who sold utility software for IBM mainframes. He would send out a letter with a technical description of the software and its function. He would offer to send the software on magnetic tape for a “free 30-day trial.” That was (and still is) an…


Is It Better to Be Pushy… or a Pushover?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/6/2010

Are you a pushy person? Not sure? Take this test: Do you find that your subordinates often work more slowly than you would like them to?


Don’t Waste Your Time on the Wrong Problems

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/5/2010

A former employee of mine once allowed a serious business problem to go unreported because he thought he could fix it himself. He couldn’t — and it cost the company $400,000.


How I ETR’ed It

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 01/5/2010

“At this point, we can’t rule out malignancy,” the doctor said. I just looked at my husband. I knew he was asking the doctor questions, but I didn’t hear any words. I saw his lips moving and felt his strong hand on top of mine. But all I could think…


How the Power of Positive Thinking Affects Your Health

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/4/2010

K almost never gets sick. And when she does, you can hardly tell. That’s because she doesn’t complain. She insists she’ll be in fine shape “after a good night’s sleep.” I, in contrast, assume that every sniffle is an indication of a terrible disease with a dark outcome.


$5,000 for an Afternoon Drive

By Paul Lawrence | 01/4/2010

“Sarah,” an interior designer for yachts, had just come back from a very successful business trip. Her boss, who never complimented her, was oozing with praise. She was so excited (and confident big money was coming her way) that she signed a lease on an expensive apartment.