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Why My Dad Is the Richest Man I Know

By Kelley Herring | 02/26/2009

Hard to believe, but my father looks as young today – at 60 – as he did at 40. And though he may argue that he’s lost a bit more hair than he’d like, his face, his spirit, and his health seem to have been frozen in time.


Your Intangible USP

By Bob Bly | 02/25/2009

Your business – whether you are an information marketer, retailer, catalog merchant, manufacturer, service provider, freelancer, or consultant – has not one but two unique selling propositions (USPs): the tangible and the intangible.


Boost Your Body’s Defenses to Fight the Common Cold

By Dr. Al Sears | 02/24/2009

Instead of relying on over-the-counter drugs, keep yourself from getting sick in the first place. A lot of people think there is nothing you can do to stave off the common cold. But in my practice, we’ve proven that’s not true. You can, for example:


Why You Must Send a Confirmation E-mail

By Suzanne Richardson | 02/24/2009

You see, an existing customer – someone who’s already pulled the trigger and made a purchase – is much more valuable to you than a no-name prospect. As marketing expert Clayton Makepeace says, “Making secondary sales to existing customers is one of the cheapest and lowest risk actions a company can take. Response on promotions sent to existing customers is usually six to eight times higher (sometimes more) than promotions sent to cold prospects. Average sale is substantially higher, too – sometimes as much as two to three times higher.”

Getting Someone to Invest

The Key to Getting Someone to Invest in Your Small Business

By Paul Lawrence | 02/24/2009

In order to get a private investor to consider your small business, you must convince him that the opportunity is sound, with little risk of failure.


Taking the Big Leap

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/23/2009

Sometime in your business career, you will have a chance to do something or sell something – and it will be obvious to you that you are looking at a great opportunity. However, you will realize that you simply don’t have the time, the knowledge, or the resources to meet that challenge. If you are sensible, you will probably say “No thanks,” and bow out. But – if the opportunity is really extraordinary – you might want to try the Grand Canyon Jump.


How “The Liberty Street League” Got Its Name

By Charlie Byrne | 02/23/2009

Take a few steps away from the grim reality of “The Street”… past the offices that once housed Merrill Lynch… beyond the New York Sports Club, where finance managers now sit crying in their single-malts.


Using Stumbling Blocks as Stepping Stones

By Brian Tracy | 02/21/2009

Everyone makes mistakes – and the busier you are, the more mistakes you will make. The only question is “How well and how effectively do you deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life?”


How to Prevent “Scope Creep”

By David Cross | 02/21/2009

You receive an invoice from your website or software developer. You query a charge you didn’t know about. The developer tells you it relates to a new feature they developed… one that you asked for.


How to Firm Up Your Backside

By Jon Benson | 02/20/2009

Most every gal in the gym is familiar with the lunge. You see hordes of women doing lunges. Some trainers even have them walking around outside doing lunges.


If You Get Knocked Down, Get Up

By Paul Lawrence | 02/20/2009

The letter was from the publisher of a magazine where I’d just placed an ad for an instructional ballroom dance video I’d produced. He informed me that he was pulling my ad. Why? After watching the video, he felt that the quality wasn’t good enough for his subscribers.


How to Find Purpose – and Happiness – in Running a Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/20/2009

You don’t have to wait until you are financially independent and actually retire to enjoy an early retirement mindset. The sooner you can make your business about something other than making money, gaining power, or in some other way enhancing your personal situation, the sooner you’ll begin loving your work.