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The Truth About the Latest Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Diet Controversy

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/11/2008

Diets don’t work. At least that’s what The New York Times makes of the disappointing results of a recent study (partly financed by the Atkins Research Foundation). But is it true? Let’s take a look…


Why Lie About It?

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/11/2008

One of the best ways to improve your marketing skills is to learn to recognize where other marketers are going wrong with their sales copy.


Are You Top Dog… or Second Banana?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/11/2008

Charlie Munger is Warren Buffett’s right-hand man. And one of the richest men in the world. As vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Munger has a net worth of $2.4 billion (according to Forbes).


Red for Attention

By Howie Jacobson | 08/9/2008

The primary currency of marketing is attention. No eyes or ears, no sales. And attention is harder and harder to get these days. More stimuli, less time. More hype, less trust. More attention deficit disorder (ADD), less focus.


A Starch You Shouldn’t Resist

By Kelley Herring | 08/8/2008

Want a trimmer tummy? Eat starch!


Another Way “Early to Rise” Can Help You

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/8/2008

Rising early has plenty of obvious benefits. For instance, adding an extra hour (or two… or three) to the productive part of your day is a surefire way to become more successful, faster. But there’s another advantage…


The Right Way to Leave

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 08/8/2008

But no matter why you leave a job, keep this in mind: There is a right way and a wrong way to exit an organization.


How Would You Rate This Headline?

By Bob Bly | 08/7/2008

I received a mailing today promoting a stock newsletter. In big, bold type, the headline on the outer envelope reads: “Inside: Three stocks set to quadruple in price in the next 12 months.”


The No-Risk Contrarian Way to Make a Lot of Money

By Andrew Gordon | 08/7/2008

Wilbur Ross is a multi-billionaire and legendary investor. He made his money by buying hated assets – like steel when nobody was touching it and Japanese banks when they were saddled with debt. (Sound familiar?)


7 Renegade Rules for Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/7/2008

You never know where you’re going to find useful, practical advice for improving your life. Surprisingly, some of the same techniques that can help you become more successful in business can help you get fitter, leaner, and healthier.


The Anti-Fat-Loss Substance That Could Be Ruining Your Diet

By Yarixa Ferrao | 08/6/2008

You work hard all day. So when you come home from work, or finally get the kids down to sleep, you probably want to chill out. Many people do that by having a few glasses of wine with dinner. That’s one of the health mistakes Michael Masterson was making that was keeping him from losing weight.


Testing, Testing…

By Judith Strauss | 08/6/2008

You’ve got a great idea for a new product. And you’ve been reading ETR long enough to know that before you can even consider using that product to launch a business, you have to find out if people will buy it. One of our recommendations has been to try it out at a street fair.