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perfect day formula

Recent posts related to

perfect day formula

7 Super-Nutrients Your Eyes Need NOW

By Early to Rise | 09/14/2015

Forget the myth that the only solutions to vision loss are prescription lenses and laser eye surgery. New studies show that diet is perhaps your best weapon in improving eyesight and preventing disease and age-related vision loss down the line. These seven vital nutrients have been scientifically proven to pack…


Are you giving Uncle Sam an interest-free loan? Why it may be time to adjust your W-4

By Early to Rise | 09/14/2015

If you find yourself strapped for cash during the year, yet you always receive a refund come tax time, it might be time to adjust your W-4 exemption. And with the holiday season right around the corner, who couldn’t use a little more cash in their pocket? As of February…


5 Vital Steps to a Healthy Relationship with Food

By Missi Holt | 09/14/2015

At one point in my life I thought I would never have a healthy relationship with food. For a time, I accepted this battle of wills as part of the human experience — and I was in for the long haul. I had no trouble cracking the proverbial whip to…


What You Need to Know Today: September 11

By Nick Papple | 09/11/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH Uber wants to get into the print journalism market. Starting this week in NYC, you can grab a copy of Uber’s new in-car magazine, called “Arriving Now,” from the seat-back pockets… Uber detailed what the magazine would look like…


ONE Sweetener You SHOULD Be Eating

By Missi Holt | 09/11/2015

Sugar can be extremely hazardous to your health. Many doctors and nutritionists are in agreement that processed white sugar is more addictive than cocaine, and has detrimental effects on the body. Low calorie sweeteners are just as dangerous. I used to have a wicked sugar addiction that took some serious…


The Truth About Night Owls

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/11/2015

It was the type of schedule that only a young man could keep. He began the night at an official government reception. When that ended, he moved on at 2 a.m. to a private party at a friend’s house, finally arriving home at 3:40 a.m. Yet the next day he was still up in time…


What You Need to Know Today: September 10

By Nick Papple | 09/10/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH What our obsession with Apple says about us. Yesterday, Apple captivated the world with its latest upgrades and product lines at the “Hey Siri” event. You can watch all the videos here. While it’s natural for people to admire…


What You Need to Know Today: September 8

By Nick Papple | 09/9/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH Open Houses are dead and they’re not coming back. I have a friend whose house is up for sale. When my friend asked his real estate agent if she was going to hold an open house, her answer was…


What You Need to Know Today: September 9

By Nick Papple | 09/9/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH How to throw the world’s best launch party. Apple is expected to introduce upgraded iPhones, iPads, and Apple TVs at its annual fall event today (Buzzfeed). Business Insider is calling it “the biggest event Apple’s had in years.” Clearly…


What You Need to Know Today: September 7

By Nick Papple | 09/7/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know “Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.” – Ulysses S. Grant TECH Sneak peek inside Facebook’s virtual assistant ‘M’. Two weeks ago Facebook announced M – its virtual assistant that will compete with Apple Siri…


The New Benchmark for Achievement: Are You Reaching For it?

By Missi Holt | 09/7/2015

We all set goals and rate our success according to how close we get to achieving them. We zero in, shut out distractions, and pour all our time and energy into reaching our own desired standard for success. As a nation, we are busy, busy, busy! (I am totally guilty…


What You Need to Know Today: September 4

By Nick Papple | 09/4/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH Email of the future looks promising. Like many tech-conference organizers, the people behind The Email Design Conference made sure to email attendees well ahead of time with the Twitter hashtag for the event. But when they opened that email,…