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philippines outsource virtual assistants

Recent posts related to

philippines outsource virtual assistants

make your speeches more powerful and persuasive

My New Rules of Living

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/5/2018

Almost a decade ago, I wrote my 12 Rules for Living, but it’s time I revisited them. Let me show you how to write your own rules, and show you why they matter for your success.

Overcome Your Fear of Criticism

It’s Time to Conquer Your Fear of Criticism

By Jeff Steen | 03/1/2018

We all have faced moments of harsh criticism—some of it soul-crushing. But there’s a way to cull from that criticism what is important so that you can move ahead and continue to live out your “why.”

Improving Workplace Communication

4 Steps to Becoming a Master Communicator in Your Business

By Jen Hudye | 02/28/2018

The path to better communication—at work or at home—is all rooted in the A.C.U.E. process. Commit to this approach and you’ll see your productivity (and relationships) dramatically improve.

Swag T-Shirts

10+ Creative Client Gift Ideas That Will Keep Your Company Top-of-Mind

By Tim Brown | 02/27/2018

Don’t just throw garbage at your valued clients. Give them something they really need. How do you figure out what that is? We have a couple of ideas…

The Empathy Test

[TEST] How Empathetic Are You?

By Jeff Steen | 02/22/2018

You’re a hard-working employee and you make good money. But how are your relationships doing? This empathy test will show you how readily you understand others—and give you advice on how to become a more considerate, compassionate person.


Why Insiders Get Rich—And How To Become One

By Nate Rifkin | 02/21/2018

Getting rich isn’t just about a killer idea or dynamite marketing. Nothing pushes business forward better than the right network—and this is how you start one.

Know Your Why

Don’t Know Your “Thing”? Here’s Why You Should.

By Ryan Warner | 02/15/2018

Too many of us turn the gears in life without having much purpose. Ryan Warner shares his story of being in exactly that situation, and how he finally realized he needed his own “thing.” This is how he found it.

Ross Blankenship

Inside the World of Startup Investing with VC Ross Blankenship

By Jeff Steen | 02/14/2018

Angel King Investors found Ross Blankenship spends time sharing his insights on how startups can secure the right funding from investors—and the qualities he looks for in industry trend-setters.

Character Diamond

This 4-Step “Character Diamond” Will Make You Extremely Relatable to Customers

By Jen Hudye | 02/13/2018

Marketing guru Jen Hudye shares her long-hailed Character Diamond to help business leaders craft a humanized persona for consumers. The secret: Knowing all four characteristics of your business—and leveraging them effectively.

Community Outreach

I’m a Small Business Owner. Do I Need to Spend Time on Community Outreach?

By Jeff Steen | 02/8/2018

Community outreach and volunteerism have become increasingly popular in recent years. But why? Is this of any value to your brand? Absolutely. And here’s why.

CBT and Depression

This Woman Almost Lost Her Life to Depression. CBT Saved Her.

By Jeff Steen | 02/8/2018

CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, has been around for decades. But few know its power to remove the oppressive burden of stress, anxiety, and depression, freeing the mind up for a focus on dreams and goals. If you’ve ever struggled with these ailments, read on.

How would you rate your digital dependence?

6 Ways to Rein in Your Digital Activity

By Randy Carver | 02/7/2018

Randy Carver shares his professional insights on how to cut the digital cord in this chapter form his acclaimed book, “1440.” Dig in to find out how to FINALLY break your dependence on email and social media.