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philippines outsource virtual assistants

Invest in Yourself

The Secret Sauce to Wealth-Building Isn’t Saving Money

By Chad Champion | 02/6/2018

“Champion Investor” Chad Champion flips the script on wealth-building with this look at savings and investing vs. skill-building. The numbers point to a higher likelihood of millionaire-hood when you invest your savings in yourself instead of penny stocks and frivolous assets.

Investment Myths and Best Practices

How to Spot the 5 Most Dangerous Wealth-Building Myths

By Chad Champion | 01/31/2018

The internet is rife with misinformation about investing. Many of the prevailing myths even trick green investors into schemes that leave them bankrupt. In this exposé, Chad Champion debunks the worst of these investment myths, and shows you the safest way to wealth.

Mantras for the Business Set

5 Mantras for the Business Set

By Jeff Steen | 01/30/2018

Running a business can be excruciatingly difficult—never mind the extra effort needed to grow profits and make an impact. That’s why, in all the chaos of the day-to-day, it’s worth revisiting these daily mantras. Remember these success stories and tell yourself you have it in you to find the same success.

Face Your FEAR

3 Ways to Get Unstuck (and Face Your FEAR)

By Zander Fryer | 01/25/2018

FEAR—False Experiences Appearing Real—can easily derail you (and your dreams). But these tools ensure that nothing will keep you from the success you truly want.

Why a Book is the Secret to Getting Top Clients

How to Get Ideal Clients Begging to Work With You

By Laura Hanly | 01/24/2018

The best way to get world-class, high-paying clients is not by throwing money at a million different ads. It’s by writing a book that shows the world you are an expert. Here’s how publishing expert Laura Hanly did it.

Self-Directed IRAs

Looking for More Promising Retirement Options? Take a Look at the Little-Known Self-Directed IRA.

By Jeff Steen | 01/23/2018

For many looking to beef up retirement savings, stocks and bonds are a go-to. But self-directed IRAs are increasingly popular for those who want both more control over their investment portfolios and the flexibility to invest in alternative assets.

President Trump

How to Fix Donald Trump’s Schedule

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/22/2018

The Donald has many quirks, including certain habits that dominate his mornings. Don’t let him influence you; there are much better morning routines that what he’s implemented. In fact, we’ve got an inside look at the best one.

Coach Pete Carroll of the Seahawks

What Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll Can Teach You About Building Positive Company Culture

By Ryan Warner | 01/18/2018

Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll is celebrated both by his players and by the public—and there’s a good reason for that, says psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais. He knows how to build team culture. And he has some corporate culture lessons for business leaders.

Employee Benefits

12 Things Every CEO (and Employee) Needs to Know About Compensation and Benefits

By Natalie Hoffmann | 01/17/2018

Think you can keep the best talent by offering a flat salary? Think again. CEOs should know the right benefits to keep top talent hooked, and employees should know how to advocate for their own needs. Here’s how you do both.

Planning and Goal-Setting

Planning and Goal-Setting So You Can Work Less and Make More

By James Schramko | 01/16/2018

James Schramko is a sought after worldwide for his business strategy and productivity acumen. Get this sneak peek into his latest book, “Work Less, Make More.”

Ed Sheeran

How Ed Sheeran Used a 1970’s Military Strategy to Write 2017’s Top Song

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/15/2018

Ed Sheeran’s money-making marketing meeting? Sounds crazy, but the best-selling artist has a lot to teach business leaders about how to lead meetings and iterate on ideas quickly for maximized profit.

Fallen CEOs

What We Can Learn from 2017’s Fallen CEOs

By Jeff Steen | 01/11/2018

2018 is bright—but we have a habit of not learning from our mistakes. Take stock, then, of the missteps of 2017 CEOs and learn how not to repeat the sins of the past.