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post workout protein vegetarian

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post workout protein vegetarian

24 Successful People Who Wake Up Really (Really) Early

By Early To Rise | 07/17/2015

msn money THEY SAY THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM, AND RESEARCH SUGGESTS THERE MIGHT BE SOME TRUTH TO THE OLD ADAGE. Waking up with (or before) the sun allows executives like AOL’s Tim Armstrong and Pepsi’s Indra Nooyi to get a head start on the day, knocking out tasks…


29 Incredibly Successful People Who Failed at First

By Early To Rise | 07/17/2015

msn money A YOUNG JAY-Z COULDN’T GET ANY RECORD LABEL TO SIGN HIM. Rejection can feel genuinely devastating. But before you retreat into your tear-stained hovel to plot a new, anonymous life as a subsistence farmer in rural Australia (not that there’s anything wrong with that!), consider this: Some of…


This ONE thing Relieves Anxiety in 2 minutes

By Missi Holt | 07/17/2015

I hope you’re having a great week! I am, now that I’ve employed my favorite tool to get me calm, clear and focused on my goals. You know, even when things are humming along just fine we can unexpectedly hit a bump in the road and get thrown off course triggering stress…


How to Live to 100

By Missi Holt | 07/16/2015

In 1900, the average life expectancy for an American was about 46 years; it is now approaching 80. That’s average life expectancy. Many of us are living well beyond 80 to even 100 years old and more. Ok, so we know it’s possible to live to a ripe old age…


5 Habits Destroying Your Diet

By Early To Rise | 07/16/2015

Habit 1: Eating “Super” Healthy Foods Doesn’t that sound like blasphemy? Let me explain. Too often people focus on the latest new pricy diet food that is supposed to help you instantly shed fat. Sadly, there are NO “special” diet foods. Nothing can beat whole, natural foods such as fruits,…


Habits That Hurt Sleep and Make You Gain Weight

By Early to Rise | 07/16/2015

msn health & fitness “You snooze, you lose” takes on a whole other meaning when it comes to weight loss. Sleep is essential for your body to function properly, and if you’re like most Americans, you’re not getting nearly enough. According to a national survey, 75 percent of Americans aren’t…


3 Critical Steps to Bust Through Roadblocks

By Missi Holt | 07/15/2015

Sometimes feel like I spend a lot of time and energy trying to reach my goals. I bet you do too. Think of the top 3 goals you’re working on right now. Fitness, Nutrition, Stress Reduction, Relationships, Career… Isn’t it awesome to dream big? I get excited about life when I think…


By Craig Ballantyne | 07/15/2015

Happy Prime Day! … Say what? Get this. Jeff Bezos just did something so American. And I mean that in a good way.  He’s inventing a new ‘holiday’ today. It’s called Prime Day. He says it’s going to be bigger than Black Friday.  Make a note. Write it down. And…


Top 5 Excuses that You’re Falling For

By Early To Rise | 07/13/2015

There are hundreds of different reasons why people make excuses when trying to follow a diet.. According to a 2014 national poll of 1,000 women, there were 5 common challenges that make it tough to eat healthy (these all apply to men as well). I’d like to share the top…


NEVER Count Calories Again [7 Simple Steps]

By Early To Rise | 07/13/2015

Let’s be honest…there’s nothing worse than counting calories. It’s tedious, boring and flat out lame. However, sometimes there are just really no ways around it. Except… What if I told you that if you follow these 7 simple guidelines you’ll never have to count calories again? Now, I’m telling you…


Immediate (and Fast) Stress Reducers

By Missi Holt | 07/13/2015

Paralyzing stress. It happens to all of us. I’ve been there. Sitting at my desk emails flooding my inbox, “to-do” tasks piling up, and the time to complete all I’ve set out to accomplish rapidly dwindling away. Have you been here too? Feeling overwhelmed? Needing to crank it into high gear…


4 Tips for a Metabolic Re-boot

By Missi Holt | 07/10/2015

Tips from Master Fitness & Nutritional Therapist Missi Holt. Feeling sluggish? Want to give your metabolism a little boost? Here are the first 4 steps you need to take to re-boot your metabolism in about 10 days or less:   1. Avoid processed sugar, flour, and alcohol   2. Increase water…