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small business accounting

55 Ways I’m More Committed To Self-Sabotage Than Self-Improvement

By Early To Rise | 08/11/2015

ELITE DAILY The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The first time I heard these words come out my dad’s mouth, I was four. My dad’s not the cliché type; he’s not a philosopher nor a counselor. He never quotes…


My New Favorite Total Body Plank!

By Missi Holt | 08/10/2015

Ah, the Plank Pose. What a universally polarizing exercise—you either love it or hate it. Variations abound making this one of the most versatile exercises—whether it’s yoga, weight lifting, sports performance, rehabilitation, or any other physically challenging endeavor the Plank Pose can always be found. As one of the safest and most effect…


How to Quickly Identify Food Intolerances & Break the Cycle of Dis-ease

By Missi Holt | 08/10/2015

You know that food you love to eat that doesn’t really love you back? Why is your relationship with certain foods so hostile? Did you know that the foods you eat directly affect your energy, mood, and mindset? They can actually influence your behavior based on how they make you…


11 Money Tips for Older Adults

By Early To Rise | 08/7/2015

msn money WHEN MONEY MATURES Getting older isn’t all bad. If you’ve accumulated wealth over your working years, it can be the time to enjoy all of that hard work. But financial stresses often arise, including budgeting concerns, income limitations and even fraud. These tips will help older adults ensure…


9 Natural Remedies Doctors Trust

By Mary | 08/7/2015

msn health & fitness As a forward-thinking woman who embraces safe and natural health strategies for you and your family, you’ll be delighted by this verdict: Scientists have compiled compelling evidence affirming the ability of many complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) to prevent and treat a host of common ailments—giving…


Quickly Identify Food Intolerances & Break the Cycle of Dis-ease Today

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

You know that food you love to eat that doesn’t really love you back? Why is your relationship with certain foods so hostile? Did you know that the foods you eat directly affect your energy, mood, and mindset? They can actually influence your behavior based on how they make you…


This Is The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

This may be the MOST important thing you ever do: Identify what moves your soul Earlier this year at our annual TT (Turbulence Training) Summit I had the immense and life changing pleasure of meeting Todd Durkin. He is an internationally recognized performance enhancement coach, trainer, speaker, and author who inspires people to…


Maximize Fat Loss with These 4 Quick Treadmill Workouts

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

As an avid outdoor trail runner in Colorado there is nothing better than getting into the foothills for a run in the fresh crisp air and bright early morning sunshine. But my fair weather tendencies often kept me from getting out—and sometimes, only a good hard run will do! I…


Coffee, Salt, Chocolate, and More — Good or Bad?

By Mary | 08/7/2015

msn health & fitness EGGS After years of anti-egg disputes, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines called for Americans to incorporate eggs into their diets. If the rest of your diet is moderately low in cholesterol, there is no problem with eating eggs for breakfast every day of the week. Eggs contain…


12 Tips on Losing those Love Handles Fast

By Mary | 08/7/2015

BodyOS LEG FLUTTERS Exercise is one of the most essential tips on how to lose love handles quickly. Leg flutters are especially helpful. They work by making your back stronger, which can firm your stomach and eliminate love handles. To properly do leg flutters, lay down on your stomach, lift your…


3 Easy Diet Tricks to Look 10 Years Younger

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

It’s truly amazing what you can achieve with simple dietary choices.  Health, physique, and beauty is an “inside-out” type of deal (oh boy, I could get real deep on that note, but I won’t!) Food is so powerful.  The dietary choices you make every day will positively or negatively affect…


Break FREE from Your Pain: Learn this ONE Thing

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

Did you do it? Did you pay attention? Last time I encouraged you to get Curious about the signals your body gives you… to identify the words you would use to describe your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Click here to read that article. See if you came up with…