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steve boutcher obesity

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steve boutcher obesity

$18K In 3 Days

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/30/2014

A wise man once said: “I love it when a plan comes together.” And then he hauled a puff of his stogie, smiled, and congratulated his team. Now while I don’t smoke cigars, nor am I a former mercenary, like Hannibal from the A-Team, I do LOVE it when a…


The All-Time Best Way to Get (and Keep) a Customer

By Paul Lawrence | 04/29/2014

If you can’t sell your product or service, you don’t have a business. Plain and simple. So, as Michael Masterson has said in ETR and in Ready, Fire, Aim, your primary concern has to be making sales.

your dreams

3.5 Steps to Take When Your Dreams Have Been Crushed

By Dani Woodrum | 04/4/2014

If you’ve taken a risk on a new business or pursuit and find your dreams crushed, take these 3.5 steps to pick yourself and your business back up.


How to Think Like a Billionaire

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/18/2014

Start thinking like a billionaire by using these 8 thought patterns some of the greatest entrepreneurs of history have employed.


5 Minute Task to Turn Your Life Around

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/17/2014

BLAM-BLAM-BLAM. There goes your alarm. Correction – that was your alarm going off – ten minutes ago. You’re already running late. So much for that New Year’s Resolution, you think. But hold on, not so fast. You can still fix your bad habits and make dramatic changes in your life…

good people

Ultimate Guide to Finding Good People in Your Life

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/14/2014

Create a real-world and Internet community of highly-driven individuals who can help you reach the goals you want to achieve in life.


7 Questions Millionaires Ask

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/18/2013

I first read this book back in the winter of 2008 while on a surfing vacation in Hawaii. I liked it so much that I copied out the names of the book chapters and review one of them each day in my “Guiding Documents”. The book is called Make It…


TRX and Suspension Revolution Core Workouts

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/16/2013

If you’re looking for fun new exercises to burn fat and get ripped with your TRX or Suspension Trainer, then you’re going to love the videos I’ve got for you today. That’s because I met up with Dan Long, the world expert at training with TRX and Suspension Trainers, and…


Success QnA is back

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/6/2013

So the other morning, while in Denver, my business partner Matt Smith waves a flyer in the air excitedly. “It’s back,” he says with great enthusiasm. I look closely. I groan. The McRib is back in Denver. LOL. No thanks. But, I do have good news.   Internet Independence QnA…

Two competitive businesswomen cupping their plants in their hands

Slaying the Green-Eyed Monster: How to Deal with People Who are Jealous of Your Entrepreneurial Success

By Bob Bly | 08/6/2013

I once heard a great piece of advice concerning whether to tell other people how much money you make. The advice was: don’t. Reason: If you make less than they do, they will look down on you. If you make more than they do, they will resent you. Most people…


More From Less: The Benefits of Downsizing

By Bob Irish | 07/31/2013

As your home becomes an empty nest, you may want to consider downsizing to a smaller location to save income and reduce stress.


The Role of the Matriarch in Strengthening Family Bonds

By Elizabeth Bonner | 07/23/2013

As the Bonner family matriarch – officially in charge of family and feelings – here is the fruit of my experience and reflection.