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the day i stopped caring

Recent posts related to

the day i stopped caring

Gatorade, Move Aside… Coconut Water Is Taking Over!

By Yarixa Ferrao | 01/20/2009

I grew up on the island of Puerto Rico, where it is blazing hot almost all year round. My father used to chop down a young coconut from the palm in front of our house and place it in the freezer so it would get very cold. Then he’d make a hole in the coconut and stick a straw in it so we could drink the thirst-quenching coconut water. Little did I know back then that I would rediscover this refreshing beverage in my search for healthy alternatives to high-sugar sports drinks.


A Powerful Persuasion Strategy

By Clayton Makepeace | 01/20/2009

Over the years, I’ve tried to teach lots of folks to write sales copy. Not all of them have gone on to be stellar successes.

One of my most spectacular failures had a PhD in English Lit. Another was a crackerjack newspaper reporter. Still another had penned a best-seller and now wanted to try her hand at copywriting.


Rental Real Estate 101: 4 Ways to Battle the Landlord’s Arch Nemesis

By Julie Broad | 01/20/2009

Just as The Joker is to Batman and Dr. Evil is to Austin Powers, rent control is the landlord’s enemy. Supporters of rent control claim that without it many people couldn’t afford housing. But what happened to the basics of economics? The law of supply and demand should determine what your rental unit is worth, not the government.


Does It Pay to Complain About Bad Products or Services?

By Bob Bly | 01/20/2009

I always feel awkward when I have a bad meal in a restaurant and the server asks, “How’s everything?” I get the feeling that the question is no more sincere than the telemarketer who asks “How are you today?” It’s just polite talk. They don’t really want or care about the answer.


Simplify Your Life (and Make It Pay Off in More Ways Than One), Part 2

By Charlie Byrne | 01/19/2009

When we left off on Friday, I said, “Just a few weeks ago, my wife and I decided that something need to change, because we didn’t want to live that way. [And what I meant by “that way,” was the way our friends Chuck and Laura were living.] We came up with a plan and have already started fixing the problem.”


Simplify Your Life (and Make It Pay Off in More Ways Than One), Part 1

By Charlie Byrne | 01/19/2009

Judy and John are great friends of ours. Recently retired, they own a beautiful waterfront house in Maryland, a small condo in Florida where they “winter,” and a sailboat just large enough for the occasional cruise down to the Bahamas.


The First Step to Getting Funding for Your Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/19/2009

One of the most commonly asked questions we get at ETR from would-be entrepreneurs is: “How do I get money for my business idea?”

We’ve answered it before, but it’s worth answering again because the question keeps coming. Let’s start with a bit of harsh truth: It isn’t easy.


A New Tool for Aspiring Online Marketers

By Paul Lawrence | 01/19/2009

Now, there’s a very easy way to get your online newsletter started. Yahoo has a component called “group publishing” that allows you to start your own e-list and publish to that list whenever you want. For free. It’s so user-friendly that even someone with very little technical knowledge (like me) can set it up without any assistance. All you do is go to Yahoo and click on the “groups” link. It’s self-explanatory from there.


Preserve Eyesight, Stop Failing Vision Now

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 01/19/2009

Each of us comes equipped with an amazing pair of optical wonders. Even the Hubble telescope, which looks far out into distant galaxies, pales in comparison to the technology of the eye.

For many, vision fails as they get older. But despite what you may have been led to believe, this is not an inevitable part of aging.


The Wall Street Journal Gets It Wrong

By Suzanne Richardson | 01/19/2009

The Secrets of Marketing in a Web 2.0 World,” announced the front page of The Wall Street Journal business section. Sounded promising, so I took a gander. What I found left me scratching my head:


A 2-Minute Drill That Could Save You Thousands

By Andrew Gordon | 01/17/2009

Professional investors got taken to the cleaners by the former head of NASDAQ, hedge fund manager and scam artist Bernie Madoff. They should have known better. But before you point fingers at these supposedly sophisticated investors who lost billions to a cheat, ask yourself this: Do you do even the minimum due diligence before you invest in a fund? (I don’t care who told you about it. Trust no one except yourself.)


Parallel Bars

By Don Hauptman | 01/17/2009

Consistency and coherence are hallmarks of good writing. This principle applies especially when you’re writing lists. The series of items that constitute a list should have a parallel structure.