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The Fat Burning Kitchen:

How to Kill a Great Company in One Easy Lesson

By Clayton Makepeace | 12/18/2008

Back in the 1980s, I agreed to help the owner of a small company grow his business. Within three years, it was the largest company in its industry.

By combining five key marketing strategies with kick-butt sales copy, we were attracting between 5,000 and 10,000 new customers every month. By 1988, we had more than 120,000 paying customers. Sales revenues and profits quadrupled.


No Need for Lozenges

By Suzanne Richardson | 12/17/2008

If you get a cold this winter, forget sugar-filled lozenges. Instead, try a licorice root brew to ease your symptoms. The tea that worked so quickly for me is called “Organic Throat Coat” by Traditional Medicinals. But if you type “licorice root tea” into Google, you’ll get plenty of other options.


How’d You Like an Extra $30K in Your Pocket?

By Paul Lawrence | 12/17/2008

I had some good news yesterday. The latest product I licensed to a marketing company has brought in about $250,000… so far. So from this one product alone, I will be receiving a royalty that will net me at least a $25,000 profit for the year, although it will probably be more.


Gastric-Bypass Patients Need Nutritional Supplements

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 12/16/2008

A recent review of the literature on bariatric surgery found that of all the surgical procedures used to reduce weight, gastric bypass resulted in the most serious post-surgical nutritional deficiencies. The micronutrients most commonly found to be deficient were: vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, thiamine (vitamin B1), folic acid, iron, zinc, and magnesium. The authors of the review concluded that nutritional supplementation is absolutely necessary for every gastric-bypass patient.


Feeling the Pinch – and How to Pinch Back

By Rich Schefren | 12/16/2008

So are you feeling the pinch these days?

When the economy slides like it has over the last year or so, the knee-jerk reaction is to tighten the belt. Business owners look at the bottom line, see what’s not absolutely necessary, and get rid of it.


Give Your Self-Published Book the “Loose-Leaf Test”

By Bob Bly | 12/16/2008

How do you ensure that the information products you sell online give fair value to your customers? One way is to follow Internet marketing guru Fred Gleeck’s “10 times” rule. Fred says that the information products you sell should be worth at least 10 times the price you charge for them.


2 Things You Should Never Do on Picture Day

By Mark Struczewski | 12/15/2008

It’s the moment you have been dreading. Your employer has informed you that a photographer is coming in to photograph the entire staff for the purpose of updating the website. There is even talk of a group photo for a company “Happy New Year” card. Good grief! Are they serious? You hate having your picture taken!


Are You Resilient Enough?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/15/2008

With the economy failing, companies making cutbacks, and your financial future at stake, you might be feeling pretty grim. But don’t even think about throwing in the towel. There are lots of opportunities out there – opportunities to make loads of money and put more happiness and love back in your life.


The Other Measure of a Company’s Worth

By Andrew Gordon | 12/15/2008

Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is a popular measurement of a company’s true worth. I’ve always liked companies with a P/E below 10. But nowadays, I pay little attention to this number – for two reasons, and both involve the earnings part of the ratio…


Whose Time Is More Valuable?

By Suzanne Richardson | 12/15/2008

I know, I know. You don’t mean to make people wait. But when unexpected “emergencies” come up, you just can’t help it. Well, Bob Cox, ETR’s expert on achievement and productivity, has a solution for you. “Unplanned events will demand your time every week,” Bob says. “To minimize the amount of time these external distractions ’steal’ from you, add a buffer to your daily to-do list.”


The Language Perfectionist: Me, Myself, and I

By Don Hauptman | 12/13/2008

Often, the word can simply be eliminated: “I bought myself a new suit” is equally as clear as “I bought a new suit.”

The same rules apply to other pronouns: “yourself,” “himself,” “herself,” “themselves,” etc. Many dictionaries are permissive on this subject, but it’s usually wise to follow convention, especially in formal writing.


The #1 Way to Stick To Your Diet

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/13/2008

There’s a popular new “social networking” website: At first glance, it looks as dumb as it sounds. But after spending some time on it, I realized it could help my clients stay accountable to others – and that’s key when it comes to sticking to a diet. Because if you promise others that you are going to lose weight, and you promise to report the contents of every meal, you’ll think twice about cheating on your diet.