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tim ferriss blood tests

How to attract the greatest number of eyeballs to your website

By Laura Rodini | 06/11/2010

I was sitting in my writer’s group, listening to a woman read the third chapter of her 450-page children’s book about ancient Egypt…

The idea was pretty interesting. It was about the first female Pharaoh, and I could tell she’d put a lot of research into it.


How to Get the Most Out of Freelancers

By Glenn Fisher | 06/10/2010

In the words of the poet John Donne, no man is an island.

And when it comes to starting your own business online, that means there’s no reason to think you have to do everything yourself.


The Language Perfectionist: Frequent Mistakes, Set Aright

By Don Hauptman | 06/10/2010

Some linguistic errors occur repeatedly. One of my favorites is the bungling of prix-fixe, a term that even some classy restaurants misspell in various creative ways. Below is a collection of other common gaffes — and how to avoid committing them.


You’d Have to Be Crazy to Start a New Business Right Now!

By PJ McClure | 06/7/2010

He sat quietly for a moment. Unwilling to accept defeat, he finally said, “Well, when you run out of steam with this thing, give us a call. We’d love to have you back.”

My boss could be called many things… excited about my new venture as The Mindset Maven was not one of them.


The Myth of Branding: Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on the USP

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/5/2010

I recently got an interesting e-mail from Brian Ochsner, an ETR reader in Denver. He said, “As a direct-response copywriter, I’m skeptical about the number of marketing people who are enamored with the need for ‘branding’ or to ‘build their brand’ to effectively market their business.

“I know that brands such as Kraft and Coca-Cola have power and influence with Americans, but I’m not sure ‘branding’ has much of a place with most small- to medium-sized business marketing.”


The Push-Button Success System

By Laura Rodini | 06/4/2010

That’s the percentage of online businesses that fail.

Three big reasons explain why:

#1. Setting up an online business is complicated.


How to Profit From a Web-Based Business Phenomenon

By Marc Charles | 06/3/2010

The Internet Money Club — the world’s premier Internet business-building coaching program — is launching tomorrow… and you have to act fast if you want to join. There are limited “seats” (we sold out last year), and registration lasts for only two weeks.

We’ll be sending you a letter tomorrow with all the details… don’t miss it.


The Language Perfectionist: Lend Me a Word

By Don Hauptman | 06/3/2010

Last year, I traveled to a small town in Canada to attend a theatrical festival. About noon one day, I entered an appealing restaurant.

“Would you like to be seated on our veranda?” asked the hostess. “Did you know,” I replied, “that the word veranda comes to us from Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish?” I expected to be summarily booted out in return for my irrelevant comment, but she seemed genuinely fascinated by this fun fact.


The Power of Pay-Per Click

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 06/2/2010

Yes, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has an immediate cost associated with it. And if you do it wrong, it could mean thousands of dollars wasted.

However, if you do it correctly, the rewards are plentiful.

You can set up an AdWords account in five minutes and start seeing results immediately. Best of all, if your ad isn’t working, you can replace it with something new.

Another benefit of PPC is that you can narrow its reach. You can show your ad to everyone on the Internet… or you can target it to specific countries, regions, states, or even cities.


Why Common Knowledge Kills Success

By Rich Schefren | 06/1/2010

Picture this:

A hot prospect stumbles across your blog…

… pulls up a recent post…

… starts to read it…

… stops midway through…

… leaves your site…

… and never returns again!


Harnessing China’s Production Power

By Laura Rodini | 05/28/2010

For years, Michael Masterson has been encouraging his readers to start a side business, preferably on the Internet, in order to develop multiple sources of income.

With many hundreds of millions of dollars to his credit, Michael certainly knows a thing or two about how to do it!

He says the simplest way to start a successful side business right now is to harness the production powerhouse that is China.

“First,” he says, “you find a popular product that is selling for about $100.”

“Next, you find someone in China to knock it off and sell it to you for $10.


Put Some Lead in Your Pencil!

By David Cross | 05/27/2010

I’ve written before about what to write about when you’re "stuck."

How-to articles are the perfect antidote to writer’s block. But if your goal is to create content for your e-mail newsletter or website to attract search engines, you cannot rely on them every time. Thankfully, there is another type of article that’s remarkably simple to write. Your readers will love it — and so will the search engines.