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tim ferriss blood tests

3 Golden Rules for Avoiding Most Legal Nightmares

By Clayton Makepeace | 04/29/2006

One year before 9/11, I was cooling my heels on the 86th floor of Manhattan ‘s World Trade Center . I was waiting to be grilled by a team of government investigators and wondering how IN THE HECK I wound up there. I flashed back to the moment, two years…


When younger/smarter beats older/wiser

By Michael Masterson | 04/28/2006

Recently, I read the following post on ETR’s Speak Out forum from Ryan Chludzinski, a young man who needs some direction. He writes: “I am a 21-year-old student who works over 40 hours a week to keep up with paying for bills, tuition, and living expenses. I need a way…


Compensation: How Much Is Too Much?

By Michael Masterson | 04/24/2006

Last year, Ivan Seidenberg, Verizon’s CEO, made about $20 million in salary, bonuses, restricted stock and other compensation. During the same period, shareholders watched their stock plunge more than 25 percent. Bondholders got hit hard, too, when credit agencies downgraded Verizon’s debt. For years now, top employees of big companies…

$65,000 a Year

Living Rich on $65,000 a Year

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/24/2006

After inheriting over $1 million, a friend of mine found that he could retire, buy a house, and start his own business if he lived off $65,000 a year.


Business at Warp Speed

By Michael Masterson | 04/21/2006

If you can develop a product or service that sells well in Bangor , Maine … why couldn’t you also sell it in Toulouse , France or Bonne , Germany ? This is what BB did. Twelve years ago – when his publishing company was in the $30 million to…


ETR Insider Report: Make Way for “The Wealth Advantage”

By Andrew Gordon | 04/20/2006

When I recommended Six Flags in The Skeptical Advisor e-letter about seven months ago, nobody at ETR had a clue that it was the first test of a new investing technique I had been fine-tuning for over two years. Even as the stock climbed over 60 percent within four months, it was…


Let’s Make a Deal

By Michael Masterson | 04/19/2006

To find the best real estate deals, look for telltale signs that an owner may be thinking of selling … even before he advertises the property.  1. The Home-Alone Technique Whenever you see a vacant home in your target area, stop and jot down the address. Look up the owner…

compound interest

Starting Young – The Miracle of Compound Interest

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/13/2006

If you take a penny and double it every day for a month, how much would you end up with? A hundred dollars? A thousand dollars? How about a million dollars? Not even close. If you start with just a single penny and double it every day for 31 days,…

Successful Negotiator

How to Be a Successful Negotiator

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/1/2006

9 steps to becoming a successful negotiator, which can propel your business forward at a quicker rate and help you foster better relationships.


A $79 Investment That Can Make You Millions

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/13/2006

About 25 years ago, my business partner and I started a private investment club for Americans who were interested in increasing and protecting their wealth by banding together and hiring dedicated experts to advise them on all sorts of international investment options. From day one, the club was successful. But…


Borrow Low, Deposit High

By Gary Scott | 03/7/2006

Had you invested $100,000 in a portfolio of Emerging Asian currencies in October 2005, you’d now be $75,000 richer. In March of this year, a mere 20 weeks later, your investment would have ballooned to $175,000. That’s a whopping return of 75%. It may be hard to believe, but this…


Women in Business: Glass Ceiling? What Glass Ceiling?

By Michael Masterson | 01/23/2006

There has been a good deal written about the difference between men and women in the workplace. Men are said to be more decisive, more logical, and better able to make tough decisions. Women are said to be more intuitive, more communicative, and more compassionate. Popular books like Men Are From…