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Recent posts related to

train when sore muscles

The Dangers of E-Mail, Part 1: The Angry E-Mail Effect

By Suzanne Richardson | 11/28/2008

You open your inbox, and there it is … an e-mail, waiting patiently for you to read it and respond. A few seconds, a few quick keystrokes on your laptop, a click of the send button, and your response is shuttled instantaneously to its recipient.


What Makes an Entrepreneur?

By John Carlton | 11/28/2008

A few weeks back, I visited my hometown (yeah, I grew up in Cucamonga, what’s it to ya?) to see my family. Pop still lives in the same house he bought just after WWII, and it’s hard for me not to feel like I’m 15 again when I’m there.


4 Steps to Creating Better Info Products

By Bob Bly | 11/28/2008

Before you can write, you need to have something to write about. This means acquiring in-depth knowledge – through a combination of research and experience – of a subject people will pay to learn.


My Favorite Thanksgiving Tradition: The Best of Two Worlds

By Wendy Montes de Oca | 11/27/2008

For my husband and me, Thanksgiving is an international delight. My family is Italian and Irish. His is Latin American. When he was growing up, my husband and his family did not celebrate our American holiday. But since they’ve moved to the United States, they have embraced it wholeheartedly.


Learn Something New Every Day

By Suzanne Richardson | 11/27/2008

“You can learn something from everyone, every day. Even when I’m speaking at a conference, I always listen to the other speakers’ presentations. Because you never know what useful idea or process you’re going to pick up.”


Wanting Things

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/27/2008

I don’t remember being thankful very often when I was a kid. I remember wanting things – lots of things – all the time.

I wanted toy trucks and cap guns and Lionel trains and baseball mitts. I wanted army men and model planes and erector sets. I wanted everything I saw advertised for boys on television. And everything other kids at school had, including boxed lunches and meat sandwiches instead of peanut butter and jelly in a paper bag.


10 Things Edwin Huertas Loves About Thanksgiving

By Edwin Huertas | 11/26/2008

1. It really starts to “feel” like the holidays when Thanksgiving comes around. 2. I start Christmas shopping for my kids, and it is exciting to see all the cool new stuff in the stores. 3. Being a Florida resident, I get to enjoy the PERFECT weather we get this…


Beware of Holiday Diabetes

By James B. LaValle | 11/26/2008

This is the time of year when many of my patients struggle with keeping their weight and blood sugar under control. It starts with Halloween, when we buy those delectable treat-size candy bars to pass out to trick-or-treaters – and eat many of them ourselves. It continues throughout Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day with the sugar-laden treats and leftovers from holiday meals contributing to our already flourishing spare tires.


Learning From Real Heroes

By Robert Ringer | 11/26/2008

Americans love to throw around the term “hero.” But what is a hero? We tend not only to ascribe the word to illiterate athletes, but to people who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as well.


Do You Really Want to Make Money?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/25/2008

It may seem like the purpose of every marketing campaign is to make a profit. However, many marketers and business owners actually lose money on acquiring new customers.

There are three basic scenarios when launching a marketing campaign. You need to determine which scenario fits your business best.


Your One-Stop Shop

By Jason Holland | 11/25/2008

A new business recently opened a few blocks from the Early to Rise offices. But it seems to have an identity crisis.

The small shop has perplexed potential customers by offering not just vintage designer threads, but also vegan organic food. And they proudly proclaim this dual identity on their front window sign.


7 Strategies for Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

By Kelley Herring | 11/25/2008

This time of year, family dinners, cocktail parties, and get-togethers pack our calendars and fill us with festive fare. But while the season is a welcome and joyous time, it is all too easy to overindulge.

Along with sticking to your exercise regimen and taking time to rest and de-stress, a little planning and the following simple nutritional strategies can help you stay healthy and maintain your weight.