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turbulance training for women

Recent posts related to

turbulance training for women

This Is The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

This may be the MOST important thing you ever do: Identify what moves your soul Earlier this year at our annual TT (Turbulence Training) Summit I had the immense and life changing pleasure of meeting Todd Durkin. He is an internationally recognized performance enhancement coach, trainer, speaker, and author who inspires people to…


Maximize Fat Loss with These 4 Quick Treadmill Workouts

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

As an avid outdoor trail runner in Colorado there is nothing better than getting into the foothills for a run in the fresh crisp air and bright early morning sunshine. But my fair weather tendencies often kept me from getting out—and sometimes, only a good hard run will do! I…


Coffee, Salt, Chocolate, and More — Good or Bad?

By Mary | 08/7/2015

msn health & fitness EGGS After years of anti-egg disputes, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines called for Americans to incorporate eggs into their diets. If the rest of your diet is moderately low in cholesterol, there is no problem with eating eggs for breakfast every day of the week. Eggs contain…


12 Tips on Losing those Love Handles Fast

By Mary | 08/7/2015

BodyOS LEG FLUTTERS Exercise is one of the most essential tips on how to lose love handles quickly. Leg flutters are especially helpful. They work by making your back stronger, which can firm your stomach and eliminate love handles. To properly do leg flutters, lay down on your stomach, lift your…


3 Easy Diet Tricks to Look 10 Years Younger

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

It’s truly amazing what you can achieve with simple dietary choices.  Health, physique, and beauty is an “inside-out” type of deal (oh boy, I could get real deep on that note, but I won’t!) Food is so powerful.  The dietary choices you make every day will positively or negatively affect…


Break FREE from Your Pain: Learn this ONE Thing

By Missi Holt | 08/7/2015

Did you do it? Did you pay attention? Last time I encouraged you to get Curious about the signals your body gives you… to identify the words you would use to describe your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Click here to read that article. See if you came up with…


“Engage Your Core” What to Do in 4 Simple Steps

By Missi Holt | 08/6/2015

If you’re into fitness at all (and even if you’re not) you’ve probably heard these buzz-worthy phrases a lot: “Engage Your Core!” “Build a Strong Core” The two typically go hand-in-hand, referencing the former as a necessity to the latter. All things “core” seem to be associated with an aesthetically pleasing…


You Won’t Believe How Much Sugar Is In These ‘Healthy’ Drinks

By Mary | 08/6/2015

MSN Health & Fitness It’s a known fact that soda is not the best thing for your body. In an attempt to enjoy tasty drinks without all the health issues, a lot of people have been swapping their cans of Cola for fruit juice, smoothies, or bottled tea. Plenty of drinks that…


3 Cheers for Chocolate’s Anti-Aging Benefits

By Early To Rise | 08/5/2015

Ahh, chocolate: the perfect food. I don’t just say that because I love it. Cacao has been around for thousands of years and it’s woven into history as a luxury food, medicine, and currency. Cacao’s coveted status can be attributed to its more than 300 phytochemicals, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary nutrients…


5 Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Desk

By Early To Rise | 08/5/2015

Health: The mere thought of sneaking out for a lunchtime yoga class may be laughable, especially now that we’re all asked to do more and more on the job. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay stagnant for hours. There are effective moves you can do right at your…


The 5 Secret Habits of the Most Successful People

By Missi Holt | 08/5/2015

Did you know that how you live your life day-to-day determines your success long term? It’s true. Success is built moment by moment. In my studies, over the years I have found 5 things that healthy, happy, successful people do every day. No matter how you define success, in order…


Connecting With Your Prospects’ Dominant Emotions

By Clayton Makepeace | 08/5/2015

When you set out to create a sales message that connects with your prospects’ dominant emotions, you have no choice. You have to begin with the prospect. You begin by considering his most intense feelings about … Himself relative to the subject at hand … The benefits your product and…