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unusual weight lifting workout

Recent posts related to

unusual weight lifting workout

Empty Restaurant

The Empty Restaurant

By Mark Ford | 07/17/2010

Entering the piazza, we saw that we had the choice of four restaurants: one that was very busy, two that were moderately busy, and one that had just one couple sitting at a table in the back.

Which do you think we picked?


Greetings from our 5 Days in July Business Building Conference

By Laura Rodini | 07/16/2010

Greetings from our 5 Days in July Business Building Conference!

It’s a full house – and we’ve covered a lot of ground. We created our domains, got them hosted, and set up our own WordPress websites.

We’ve made these websites live online – in less than 2 days.


Underneath the Mango Tree

By Charlie Byrne | 07/15/2010

My hometown “Paradise by the Sea” of Delray Beach, Florida is not only blessed with miles of gorgeous sandy beaches… lined with dozens of casual, eclectic, and gourmet restaurants… and overflowing with hip clubs and art galleries… It’s also home to a huge number of… drum roll, please. Mango trees.…


The Language Perfectionist: Let Me Emphasize This One

By Don Hauptman | 07/15/2010

Is anything amiss in the following three sentences? “I must stress that I was neither consulted on the matter of changing the grades, nor was I asked to sign the alterations in the grading sheet.” “At the outset, I would like to stress that it has been a pleasure working…


Confessions of a Brush Jockey

By John Forde | 07/14/2010

This past weekend, I painted our bathroom.

And it reminded me of the good old days.

See, way back when, yours truly used to be a painter.


#1 Lesson From Your Fat Loss Journey

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/13/2010

Thank you to everyone who shared “the most important lesson you have learned on your fat loss journey” at Powerful stuff! I appreciate everyone and your entries. Thank you again. We have 2 Grand Prize winners of 1-Year Platinum TT Memberships, and 5 runner-up winners of TT 3-month basic…


To Link or Not to Link?

By David Cross | 07/13/2010

“Do you think this is a good idea?” he asked me.

My father-in-law, GS, had received a request from a website that wished to link to his. And he wanted my advice.

The website looked good. It was similar to his business. And it had a reasonably good Google ranking already. So linking would be contextually relevant. And it could be beneficial to both sites’ search engine rankings.


The Moral of My Story

By Clayton Makepeace | 07/12/2010

For the first several years of our lives, pretty much everyone lies to us. We’re taught to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and, of course, the monster under your bed who’ll nibble your feet if you get up after you’ve been tucked in for the night.


The Ninja Turtle Marketing Strategy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/10/2010

About 15 years ago, traveling to California with K and Number Three Son, I met one of the originators of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

He was sitting next to my son. We got to talking. My son was a big fan of the turtles back then. This guy, I forget his name, drew a turtle for him.

I asked him how he came up with such a creative idea.

“It wasn’t creative at all,” he said. “It was a calculated marketing strategy.”


True to our name, we’re early risers here at ETR

By Laura Rodini | 07/9/2010

True to our name, we’re early risers here at ETR.

You are too, yes?

So what’s your morning routine like?

Michael Masterson practices yoga for half an hour, first thing.

I walk my dog by the beach, then down a few cups of coffee.

Managing Editor Jason Holland puts in a few miles on his bike.

We believe what you do in the first hour or two of your waking day largely determines your day.


They Pay You to Do What?

By Steenie Harvey | 07/8/2010

December 1988: I’ve got no job, no money, and seemingly no prospects. Maybe you’d rate digging around in an organic vegetable plot in western Ireland as a fantastic prospect, but not me. I can tell you that organic gardening is bloody hard work for little reward. Rain… mud… frostbitten toes. Slugs… snails… rabbits. The end result? Lettuces and cabbages that resemble lace curtains.


The Language Perfectionist: When You Seek a Venue

By Don Hauptman | 07/8/2010

Consider the following sentences:

“Want close parking to the venue and priority exiting from the parking lots at the end of the event?”