Recent posts related to

verizon positioning statement

Recent posts related to

verizon positioning statement

How to Turn the Tide Against Anxiety and Depression

How to Turn the Tide in the Battle Against Anxiety and Depression

By Pete Cataldo | 07/19/2018

Anxiety and depression are real, and avoiding them only makes them worse. Here’s one writer’s story about the climb out of darkness to happiness and sanity.

5 Ways to Attract Customers with Your Brand

5 Tips for Creating a Customer-Attracting, Dynamic Brand

By Perri Richman | 07/18/2018

Building your personal brand is about more than visibility. A lot of it is about growing your own experience as a human being. Here’s how you do just that.

6 Ways Successful People Think Differently

6 Ways Successful People Think Differently

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/16/2018

There’s more to success than action. Successful people think differently about their lives and the world as a whole. Here are 6 “successful” perspectives.

The 4 Lies We Learn as Children—and How to Unlearn Them

The 4 Biggest Lies We Learn as Children—and How to Unlearn Them

By Dan Elias | 07/12/2018

We’re told countless “truths” as children, but many of them are derailing our happiness. Here the 4 biggest lies we were told and how to “unlearn” them.

How to Sell Anything on Instagram

How to Sell Anything Using Instagram’s “Email Feature”

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/9/2018

Think social media is a waste of time? Think again; this Instagram selling technique has made $100,000s for my clients—and can for you, too.

How to Speak Your Customers' Buy Language

5 Ways to Speak Your Customers’ “Buy Language”

By Nate Rifkin | 07/5/2018

You’ve heard of love languages. These “buy languages” ensure you’re meeting your customers’ needs—and easily closing sales.

9 Biggest Sales Secrets of 2018

The 9 Biggest Sales Secrets of 2018

By Jeff Steen | 07/3/2018

Need to boost your revenue? Grow your customer base? Build your influence? Look no further than this tried-and-true advice from ETR Thought Leaders.

The 5 Standards of the Successful Entrepreneur

What My Mom Taught Me About Entrepreneurial Discipline

By Ryan Warner | 06/28/2018

Entrepreneurs could learn a thing or two from this ambitious mother. Her 5 standards of achievement were the key to career success.

How to Write a Book

This is How You Write an Industry-Changing Book

By Jeff Steen | 06/26/2018

Famed copywriter Bob Bly—and author of 96 books—shares his insights on how to craft the perfect book for your audience and industry.

How to Make Billions with a Free Product

How to Make Billions with a Free Product

By Dennis Miller | 06/20/2018

Facebook managed to create a product they give a way for free, while bringing in billions in revenue. Learn their philosophy so you can do the same in your business.

4 Ways to Build Your Brand via Social Media

4 Types of Content That Will Electrify Your Personal Brand

By Mike Monroe | 06/19/2018

Stop using social media to post erratically with no mission or message in mind. Build an engaging personal brand easily (and effectively) with these 4 key tips.

9 Steps to Planning the Perfect Event

How to Wow Your Clients with a Life-Changing Event

By Jeff Steen | 06/12/2018

Looking to plan a life-changing event for clients and prospects? Here are 9 easy steps to follow for creating a memorable experience, start to finish.