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women sexy workout pics

Fast and Cheap Banner Testing With Google AdWords

By Alexis Siemon | 08/29/2008

If you’re like most business owners just starting out with a brand-new website, you want to know the fastest and cheapest way to drive targeted traffic to it. Worried ETR readers frequently write to us with this concern. “I need traffic and sales now!” they say. “Help!”


Reader Feedback: Thanks for the Advice

By Early To Rise | 08/29/2008

“The article ‘How a Google AdWords Campaign Can Help You Rev Up Your Sales‘ by Alexis Siemon was an eye opener for me. The two sentences ’Google isn’t the king for nothing. Appease the king and he’ll share his gold.‘ jarred my senses, and have been indelibly fused upon my business brain. I took that advice, and have been enjoying a 30 percent increase in my sales ever since. THANK YOU.


The Other ROI

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/29/2008

So you’ve put together a super product. And you’ve got a stellar copywriter who’s selling the pants off of it. And your marketing team is sending the ad copy to millions of subscribers to e-newsletters everywhere. But when the results come in, your big campaign has been a big flop.


Foods That Energize

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 08/28/2008

“I am the caregiver of my 80-year-old father. He is diabetic, hypertensive, and experiences dementia, a symptom of his Alzheimer’s.

“My dad is on multiple medications. I carefully plan his meals, but, depending upon his mood, he does not always eat properly or get the rest he needs. So he is typically grouchy, uncooperative, and combative when he wakes up in the morning, late in the evening, and occasionally throughout the day. Also, he is so boring and sedentary that his behavior can be unduly stressful and alienating for me. Moreover, he gives me the impression that he has lost the will to live.


Lickety-Splittedness: How to Write Better Sales Copy, Faster

By Clayton Makepeace | 08/28/2008

If you’ve ever felt like the Earth cooled in less time than it takes you to crank out a respectable first draft of your sales copy, listen up. I’m going to tell you about some of the things I do to tear through the process.

Here are six little tricks that help me a lot…


Commodities Falling, but Prices Are Not

By Rick Pendergraft | 08/28/2008

Commodity prices (especially oil, gold, and silver) have been falling sharply since July 15. Unfortunately, prices at the producer level and the consumer level are still rising.


The Skill That Can Make You Rich

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/28/2008

How’d you like to make $1.49 million a year… or more? There is a way, and it’s simpler than you may think. Learn how to sell.

Michael Masterson has been saying it for years: Knowing how to sell is one of the most financially valued skills you can possibly have. And here’s the proof. According to research from AdAge and executive-compensation research firm Equilar (reported by, high-level marketers earned an average of $1.49 million in 2007. (That includes salary, bonuses, stock options, and stock awards.)


Swedish Weight-Loss Secret

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/27/2008

No, the Swedish weight-loss secret is not “Stop eating Swedish meatballs.” What the Swedes have discovered is online weight-loss programs.


The Urgency Conundrum

By Bob Cox | 08/27/2008

A business associate of mine used to fax me on a regular basis. (This was before e-mail.) And every darn fax said URGENT at the top in big bold letters. At first, I found it curious. And then, it became annoying.


Breaking Down an “Obvious” Rule of Investing

By Andrew Gordon | 08/27/2008

Invest in strong sectors. Avoid weak ones.

This seems obvious, yes? But too often, people invest in weak sectors and avoid strong ones. Here are some of the culprits behind this backward thinking:


How to Break Into the $20 Billion “Look and Feel Younger” Market

By Marc Charles | 08/27/2008

Aging baby boomers, who are retiring in droves these days, are fueling a $20 billion mega-market because they want to look and feel younger.

The market I’m talking about is nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. And you can make a lot of money selling these products on the Internet or by direct mail – even if you have limited capital to invest.


The Exhilarating Company of Positive Minds

By Early To Rise | 08/26/2008

“I have learned from reading ETR that it is mighty exhilarating to be in the company of thinking, positive, innovative minds that would welcome me in their midst and challenge me to leap and grow.