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yanick silver 34 maverick business rules

Choosing Investments in Tough Economic Times

By David Lindahl | 06/3/2009

In today’s economy, there is more uncertainty among investors than there is among novices shopping around at an antique store.


Have You Tested Your Landing Page Lately?

By Howie Jacobson | 06/2/2009

You know all about the value of testing your marketing copy, but are you doing it on your landing pages? Let’s talk about some tests you can run having to do with placement. Don’t worry about the copy at the moment. Just where things go on the page. First thing…


Retailers Reflect a Changing Economy

By Jon Herring | 06/2/2009

What is good for individuals and for the economy in general is not necessarily good for retailers. For example, it is a good thing when people stop using their home equity as an ATM machine. And it’s a good thing when they increase savings and pay down debt. But these…


For the Pro, School Is Never Out

By Bob Bly | 06/2/2009

Recently, I casually mentioned in my e-newsletter that I was taking a writing course. One of my readers, JN, was absolutely shocked. “YOU are taking a WRITING course?” she asked incredulously. Her implication was that, for me – given that I have been a writer for three decades – taking…


The 10-Minute Walk

By Jon Benson | 06/1/2009

If “finding time” is your main obstacle to getting enough exercise, try taking three brisk 10-minute walks five days a week. One in the morning before you do anything else. One in the afternoon after lunch. One at night after dinner.


Overthinking: The Copywriter’s Worst Enemy

By Clayton Makepeace | 06/1/2009

By the time I met Wilma, she had studied literally thousands of pages of courses, books, and e-zine articles about copywriting. She had all the fundamentals down cold. She could recite Hopkins, Caples, Masterson, and Makepeace verbatim. But when I gave her her first paid assignment, she froze like a deer in the high beams of an oncoming Peterbilt.


Turning Your Business Into a Micro-Brand

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/1/2009

So you want to turn your business into a micro-brand? Or, better yet, a micro-cult? Here’s how to get started… First, understand that it will take time – five to 10 years. To become a dominating presence in your market, you have to be in the game long enough to earn your customers’ loyalty.


The Time to Refinance Your Mortgage Is Now

By Ted Peroulakis | 06/1/2009

Do you have a mortgage with a variable or high interest rate? If you do, it makes a lot of sense to refinance. Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages are currently only about 5 percent – and you want to lock in a low rate now, because inflation is on the horizon.


How to Thwart an Attack That Can Quickly Kill Your Business

By Edwin Huertas | 05/30/2009

It started with a routine check on our website (which I do every morning)… and finding a crazy-looking warning on our front page – the same warning that several ETR readers wrote in about. Here’s one of the e-mails we received that day…


The 20-Second Push-Up

By Jon Benson | 05/30/2009

Here’s a great way to develop your upper chest without going to a gym: Do super-slow feet-elevated push-ups.


Why Record Keeping Should Be One of Your Favorite Activities

By Tim Clay | 05/30/2009

I know… record keeping doesn’t sound very exciting. But the truth is – something as simple as a mileage log translates directly into saved money and time.


“Mutual” Admiration Society

By Don Hauptman | 05/30/2009

• “The Minister of Public Security… signed last night in Washington D.C. a memorandum of mutual understanding with his American counterpart….” (The situation involves two people.)