The Big 5 Steps to Success in 2015

This is killer…and quick to the point, to the point no fakin’, Rick is cookin’ MC’s like a pound of bacon. (Sorry, a little Vanilla Ice flashback there from Christmas 1989!)
Today you will hear from my good friend and one of our Mastermind Coaches, Rick Kaselj. We call him the Wise Old Owl (WOO!) in our group because he is wise and takes action. I assume that’s what an owl does, right?
Anywoooos, Rick did an amazing presentation at our Info Summit last month and he’s here today with your BIG 5 action steps to take before the end of the year. You CAN do it. You WILL do it.
As Rick says, “Everything else besides these BIG 5 is wasting time, wasting money and holding you back from helping people.”
Don’t let any small thing get in your way. Take action today. – Craig.
Rick’s BIG 5
By Big Rick
Just like your offline business, if the doors to your online business are closed, you can not help anyone and all you are doing is spending money.
You have to focus on doing everything you can to open the doors to your online business so you can help people and get money into your business.
You should focus on:
#1 – Getting the hook for your product
#2 – Wrap your hook with a “to the point” sales page (while cookin’ MC’s like a pound of bacon, of course. – CB)
#3 – Then get your product done so it is clear and easy for the customer to take action on. Size does not matter. Get to the point and give them what they need to succeed.
#4 – Then integrate the sales page with your product with Clickbank
#5 – Also network with other online business owners and help them people.
This is all you should focus in on, right now. When the above are done, you are ready to open up your online store.
Everything else is wasting time, wasting money and holding you back from helping people.
Focus on the “Big 5”.
Those that do, succeed.
Those that don’t, fail.
Focus on the Big 5 & Forget the Rest,
Rick Kaselj
P.S. – Before I go, remember “Focus on the Big 5 & Forget the Rest”
P.P.S. – Did I mention, “Focus on the Big 5 & Forget the Rest”?
Do it!
Ha, I love Rick. He’s a great coach and an even better action taking client. That’s why he’s been so successful, and dang, he’s been a coaching client of mine since 2009 when we first started with phone coaching.
I don’t do that anymore…because we created a better coaching option for you. It’s called a 1-Day Mastermind. In the past, my phone coaching was $600 per hour with a minimum 3-month commitment. Today, you can attend an 8-hour 1-Day Mastermind with me AND my business partner and FREE traffic guru, Bedros Keuilian, for only $997.
Our next 1-Day Mastermind is in Miami on January 7th, 2015. If you are serious about finally turning your ideas into money, you need to be there. If you skip this, then you are pretty much skipping out on success in 2015.
Your choice.
So if you’re serious about success, send an email to and she’ll get you set up for the 1-Day meeting in Miami.
Bedros and I will show you what you need to launch your product – FAST.
See you in sunny Miami,
Craig Ballantyne
“Take heed, ’cause I’m a lyrical poet Miami’s on the scene just in case you didn’t know it” – Vanilla Ice