The Big Bang Will Transform Your Life

The time has come to shed some old, outdated beliefs. If 2015 is going to be the year you make big things happen, then now’s the time to throw away that flawed belief that growth is only a marginal and incremental process.
Most people operate within a mindset that success comes one step at a time. While unspoken, the court of public opinion says that we must move systematically from our present level of achievement to the next.
Then, the thinking goes, from that stage we can begin working toward graduating to still the next higher level in the sequence—gradual progress.
This is a false and unfortunate misconception, and it’s clearly reflected in the way people function. They go about, day to day, striving to make incremental gains in their performance.
They repeat the same unnecessary routine which is the pathway of conventional growth, and this explains why most people fail to make a big dent in the world.
The Time Has Arrived…
Right now, this instant, you are capable of exponential growth… blow-the-lid-off, bridge-burning, light speed type of growth. We are talking about spontaneous creation and building a rocket that launches you well past the next level and into another orbit!
We are talking about creating your ownBig BANG!
A Big BANG implies an explosive jump, a controlled explosion in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step. It’s a strategy for stunning advances in the achievement of your goals in 2014.
You might want to compare it to multiplication instead of addition—and if performed consistently it means a perpetual upward progression in your effectiveness.
What is a Big BANG?
The Big BANG (Bold, Ambitious, NobleGoal) combines boldness, ambition, and nobility to create a monumental goal that empowers extraordinary performance. A Big BANG is…
Bold—a Big BANG requires a fearless, daring, and courageous spirit, nerves of steel, and a massive dose of self-confidence.
One of the boldest business moves of the past decade was Jeff Bezos’ stunning creation of Armed with little more than an idea, Bezos could scarcely have been bolder when he challenged a well-established industry and leveraged a largely untested medium to create an entirely new type of store that revolutionized the way we buy.
Bezos offers a textbook example of David not only beating but, in the process, becoming Goliath.
Boldness alone isn’t enough; creating a Big BANG also requires that your goal be…
Ambitious—a Big BANG requires a passionate ambition for achievement. That means setting goals that are as grand in scale as they are bold in formulation.
Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz has fueled his company’s explosive growth with two very ambitious goals: for Starbucks stores to become the so-called “third place” (after home and work) where people get together and for Starbucks to become the world’s most-recognized consumer brand.
Today, Starbucks has made terrific progress toward Schultz’s twin ambitions. In 8,200 stores worldwide, people gather and do business, and the company’s products line grocery shelves everywhere.
Finally, creating your own Big BANG demands that a goal be…
Noble Goal—a Big BANG inspires the human spirit and challenges uncommon performance. After all, when you strive to improve the lives of others, you have a purpose worth pursuing.
Consider the legacy of President Jimmy Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity, founded with a goal to eliminate poverty, housing, and homelessness worldwide. Habitat has helped citizens in 87 different countries build more than 150,000 homes, providing more than 750,000 people with solid, affordable shelter and changing the way millions of people think about the problem of housing.
Our world has been greatly blessed by those pursuing bold, ambitious, and noble goals that created a Big BANG!
Are You Ready for a Big BANG?
Companies and individuals often get into trouble not because they are moving in the wrong direction but because they aren’t moving vigorously inany direction.
A Big BANG is a monumental goal that is transparently clear, amazingly simple, and tenaciously spirited. It requires an internal sense of urgency about results that even high-performers struggle to comprehend.
Maybe the time has come for you to study the face in the mirror and decide once and for all that you are ready to rock the world. The process begins with one question:
What single, super-sized goal, strategic alliance, or objective must you achieve in order to create a Big BANG?
Answer the question. Then, take decisive action—laying the groundwork to make that ambition a specific, time-bound, and measurable goal—and, finally, execute!
The Benefits of Creating a Big BANG
For those who really can create a Big BANG, the rewards can be extraordinary:
- Ownership of de facto industry standards
- Attractive and strategic distribution channels
- Worldwide consumption of your product or service
- Quantum-leap performance and profitability gains
- Lasting position on the leading-edge of change
- Rapid responses to market opportunities
- Robust profit margins and increased shareholder value
The opportunities are there, waiting for you.
NOW Are You Ready to Create Your Big BANG?
You have the ability to multiply your performance, dramatically exceed your best expectations, and achieve goals on a grand scale that in the past seemed impossible.
You can do all of this once you focus on defining and pursuing your Big BANG.
What are you waiting for? The Big BANG you create will become your life’s defining moment and I’d like to show you how to get working on it—QUICKLY!
A Big BANG requires the boldness of Jeff Bezos, the ambition of Howard Schultz, and the nobility of Jimmy Carter. Use these examples to frame your expectations. Then ask, “Can I create a Big BANG that will propel my life to unprecedented levels?”
I know you can. The real question is… Will you create a Big BANG and follow it through to completion?
If you have the will, the 100 Day Challenge is the way to make 2015 the best year of your life.
Click here to get started today.
Everything Counts!
[Editor’s Note: Gary Ryan Blair helps business owners, corporate executives and sales professionals manage their time, set their priorities, and stay focused so they can achieve their goals, grow their business, enjoy more success and greater freedom. Click here to join Gary Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge so you can make big changes in your life.]