The Skill That Generates Billions of Dollars in Revenue
Clayton Makepeace has it. Bob Bly has it. Michael Masterson has it. The late, great “infomercial king” Billy Mays had it. I’m talking about a simple skill that, if you learn and apply it, will ensure that you NEVER go hungry.
This skill has enabled me to successfully negotiate multimillion-dollar deals. Plus, it has given me a quiet assurance, a pit bull type of confidence in myself.
The skill I’m talking about is knowing how to close a sale. Basically, all it takes is asking your prospect a simple question.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling or whether you’re doing it in person, on radio/TV, in an e-mail newsletter, or via direct mail. When it’s time to close the sale, you ask your prospect…
“What can I do to make this work for you?”
I know… it sounds like a used-car pitch. But let me explain the logic behind it.
The best salespeople understand that, in order to make a sale, they have to first understand what the prospect wants or needs. When you really understand what it’s going to take to “make it work” for your prospect, you’ll be able to craft an irresistible offer.
How do you find out what it will take to make a deal work for your prospects? Ask them! Most of the time… they’ll tell you. And, most of the time, it will be doable on your end.
What happens if they ask for something outlandish? In that case, you’re probably not working with a serious buyer. Don’t waste your time. Just say, “Sorry. The best I can do is…” and let ‘em walk. There are plenty of other prospects out there.
Once you understand how to apply the “What can I do to make this work for you?” technique, new opportunities will open for you – whether you use it to sell your own products or someone else’s.
But selling someone else’s products is the opportunity I want to tell you about today.
Getting Started as a Freelancer
Fact is, no matter what happens with the economy, independent sales reps, and especially closers, will always be needed.
And getting started as a freelancer is a lot easier than you might think. Real estate, information and network technology, building contractors, direct-mail services, medical equipment and supplies, pharmaceuticals, vacation rentals – these are just a few of the industries that desperately need independent salespeople.
Identify the markets that interest you, and start digging for independent sales opportunities.
Very few companies will turn you down if you tell them you can bring them business.
Years ago, I met an entrepreneur who was struggling to keep his business going. He manufactured modular and mobile homes – and his sales were going the wrong way. Down.
I proposed selling for him on a freelance basis, as an independent contractor. I knew the market for modular and mobile homes was huge. I also believed that if he would be willing to offer low-interest financing to his customers, he could blow his competition out of the water.
The entrepreneur agreed, and I was right. I increased his sales five-fold. Then, before moving on, I trained his sales staff in the “art” of closing sales – in particular, I introduced them to the “What can I do to make this work for you?” technique.
What’s in It for You?
To survive, just about every business needs people who can make sales. And most business owners are receptive to freelancers, because it means less “out of pocket” for them. They don’t have to provide freelancers with such things as health insurance, a pension plan, and paid vacation and sick time.
The downside for freelancers is that they have to forgo the benefits that usually go along with a salaried position. The upside is that their commissions usually far exceed what they could make with a “regular” sales job.
On top of that, they have the freedom to work on their own terms.
One of the main benefits I’ve enjoyed as an independent contractor is being able to work at my own pace, without management breathing down my neck or poking their heads into my office whenever they felt like it.
I began selling advertising for publishers as an independent contractor in 1996. Since then, I have sold tens of millions of dollars’ worth of advertising.
When I started, I had several other business ventures going at the same time, so I did it only part-time, one or two days a week. But my first commission check was all the proof I needed to know that freelance selling was for me.
It could be a perfect fit for you too.
[Ed. Note: You don’t need a fancy investment portfolio to build a substantial retirement nest egg. With help from “King of Business Opportunities” Marc Charles and the rest of the “Off Wall Street” experts at the Liberty Street League, you can discover unusual and off-the-beaten path methods of creating wealth. We’re talking little-known or overlooked investments as well as hot business opportunities. You can get special alerts about profitable moneymaking ideas by joining the League today.]