The Train Wreck Continues

Ah yes, the train wreck continues.
But I say that in a loving, joking manner.
I’m referring to the continual “failing forward” that I always seem to be doing in my business.
For example, this week I had three different in-house promotions going on. Two worked and one did okay, but confused the heck out of my readers, resulting in heaps of customer service work.
I learned a lot, including the importance of being absolutely, positively 100% clear and concise with your offer— although I’m sure there was a simpler, easier way to learn these lessons.
But most importantly, for you, there was an Internet Independence lesson to pass along because of it…
If there is one thing I know after having observed this crazy world for 36 years, it’s that you can SURVIVE almost everything.
A great example, and I only thought of this one because he’s on TV in the background, is Dr. Phil’s diet pill fiasco.
Remember how he released those pills to much (deserved) criticism, and was eventually sued for his involvement?
This didn’t stop him from becoming even more popular, and (according to MTV) making as much as $80 million per year, ranking him in the top 20 highest earning entertainers.
NOTE: In NO way am I endorsing fraud… or selling diet pills… or growing a bushy mustache like Dr. Phil.
I’m simply making the point that no matter how BIG of a failure you are confronted with, you can always RISE up and overcome it.
You have to look at failure as a blip on the radar and blink of the eye.
I mean really, think of all the personal and business struggles you’ve gone through. You’re still alive, right?
Maybe even stronger for it?
In my little world, I’ve struggled through months of anxiety attacks and my fare share of personal and business problems, but nothing made me quit trying to get better.
Unfortunately, this fear of failure is what stops so many people from having breakthroughs in life and business.
It virtually paralyzes good folks from taking action and getting out there to help others.
But you can’t let fear of the unknown hold you down.
Sure, you’ll be a LOT smarter than “Dr.” Phil, and that will reduce your risk of failure, but you’re never going to have a perfect record. No one does.
Remember, even Donald Trump’s businesses have seen bankruptcy twice. He’s not perfect, his hair’s not perfect, and we aren’t either.
But we sure as heck can’t stop trying new ways to build our website businesses.
And there’s more good news. Dealing with failure gets a lot easier once you’ve done it. Over and over.
Once you’ve failed, you realize that “nothing matters.”
Nothing really matters at all.
The sun still comes up.
Your loved ones still love you.
Life goes on. Business goes on.
And so you get back in the game and go at it again.
Thanks for listening,
Craig Ballantyne