Turbulence Training 2.0 Update

Uh-oh, I just heard from a lot of angry TT users, and I have to apologize and explain…
Some folks were thinking I scammed them.
“I just started Turbulence Training and now you tell me it’s dead? I’m really disappointed,” wrote J.M.
I totally messed up and forgot to mention something…
…ALL past Turbulence Training customers will get a FREE copy of the NEW Turbulence Training 2.0 workout manual.
You’ll be upgraded – and we’ll get that to you by Monday at the latest!
I’m so sorry for the confusion, but I’d never, ever forget about the tens of thousands of happy Turbulence Training users that have supported our Transformation mission over the year.
Instead of getting scammed, you’re getting thanked!
Trust me, because without you, there would be no Turbulence Training.
So again, if you bought TT from www.TurbulenceTraining.com in the past 10 years, you will get a FREE copy of the new workout manual AND we’ll send you a massive discount on upgrading to full TT 2.0 package.
If you’re new to Turbulence Training and still haven’t tried it, there’s GREAT news for you too.
You’ll also get a really special offer to get started with the full Turbulence Training 2.0 Mega-Package next Tuesday, September 3rd. And here’s everything that you’ll get:
- 24-weeks of follow-along, fat-burning workout videos with me and my Certified Turbulence Training superstars, Mikey Whitfield, Brian Kalakay, and Shawna Kaminski…we’ll do every repetition of every exercise with you – all in just 30 minutes per session!
- The NEW and IMPROVED 10-year Anniversary Edition of Turbulence Training (complete training manual with exercise charts, photos, and descriptions)
- Amazing new versions of classics like TT Thermogenic-30 and TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks (<= most popular TT program ever)
- Five brand NEW 4-Minute Miracle workouts that you can do anytime, anywhere for a TT fat burning boost
- The new and improved Turbulence Training Nutrition guide to deliver you the total fat loss package you need to transform your body
Whew. That’s awesome!
It’s my life’s work…all wrapped up in one mega-package that will be available to you next week.
So one more time to clear everything up…
Past TT customers = Free access to new TT 2.0 manual PLUS massive discount on upgrading to the new follow-along workout videos and TT 2.0 mega-package
1st-time TT customers = Huge discount on the TT 2.0 mega-package that includes the TT 2.0 manual, follow-along videos, bonus 4-minute miracle workouts and videos, more bonus TT workouts, and my Diet Revolution manual.
That’s amazing.
So no matter what, next week you’re going to get the fitness deal-of-the-year.
This is the NEW and IMPROVED version of my life’s work, and it comes just in time for you to win $1000 of my money in the 18th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest that starts on Sunday, September 1st!
Until then, you still have a chance to WIN a FREE copy of the TT 2.0 mega-package (yep, you’ll get ALL of the goodies) by telling me why you need TT 2.0.
The contest ends on Thursday at 5pm EST, and the winners will be announced this Friday!
Just post your entry here on my website
I look forward to hearing from you, and more importantly, sharing the NEW Turbulence Training
Things change for the better,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Here’s to another…
…10, 20, 50, and even 100 years of Turbulence Training!
We are going to go forever on our 10 Million Mission, and it will grow and grow and grow until we’ve helped everyone we can to get back in shape and burn fat with fun, fast, effective workouts that you can do at home.
So hurry and tell me why you need TT 2.0. The contest ends on Thursday at 5pm EST, and the winners will be announced this Friday! All you have to do is tell me WHY you need the New and Improved Turbulence Training 2.0 system and follow along workout videos.
Just post your comment on my website here
Be back on Friday to announce our winner!