The Turbulence Training Summit Experience

It’s 7:37pm on Friday night. Your mind is buzzing, more so than the room packed with over 100 fitness experts, as you walk into the VIP reception. You’ve just spent all day devouring the ideas delivered by the sharpest minds in the fitness industry.

Just one of those tips, the BIG idea you wrote down from Bedros, is guaranteed to help you make an extra $1500 this month by getting you new clients.

And that idea from Adam Bornstein, about how to properly connect with the busy magazine or newspaper editor in your area will likely get you thousands of dollars of free publicity in the next few months. But what Brian Kalakay taught you about opening your own facility will easily save you thousands of dollars in the next year.

Your return on investment for the TT Summit is over 10,000% so far, and it’s still day one.

Oh wait, there’s Bedros just chilling out by the dessert table. Now’s the time to ask him that question about lead generation that you’ve always struggled with.

You slide on over and introduce yourself.

“Heyyyyyy, great to meet you!” Bedros says, wiping his chocolate covered hands on his shirt. “Tell me more about your business and I’ll be able to help you out,” he adds.

For the next 11 minutes Bedros walks you through a simple, step- by-step comprehensive plan for becoming the go-to bootcamp or fitness facility in your community – the one where your clients are happy to automatically refer their friends and family to you.

It makes “marketing” a breeze. You don’t have to do any work. You thank Bedros, write down more notes, and let him get back to round two of the chocolate dessert table battle that he has going on.

As you turn around you practically stumble right into Adam Bornstein and what might be Jason Ferruggia. They immediately ask you about your business and expertise. As you describe your niche market, Adam is quick to tell you the best topics to focus on in your articles and videos.  “Editors love service stories,” Adam explains, “where you deliver the best three to five tips for success in a specific area for your target market. Combine that with a personal story of your client’s success and no one will turn down your content.“

That gives you another BIG IDEA. You have the perfect client success story that the world needs to hear about. You jot down that idea and make a note to write that article first thing on Monday afternoon. Finally, you wander over to where Craig Ballantyne is holding court with a group of trainers. He’s like the Dos Equis guy, James Bond, and Batman, all rolled up into one. (No, seriously. Okay, not seriously. More like Erkel & Cookie Monster.)

Craig’s meticulously outlining the perfect online product for one of the female trainers in the group, showing her how to target her niche market, create the best videos, and the simple steps to selling it on a website. “Wow, that’s so simple!” she replies to his advice. “You’ve just saved me thousands of dollars and months of headache.” That’s because he’s been there and done that, and made a million mistakes
so that you won’t have to.

He’ll stop you from getting sucked into expensive web design projects, or creating the wrong product that won’t sell, and he’ll be able to tell you the best joint venture partners to contact.

Plus, he’ll show you how to use the exact same strategies to fill your bootcamp with just a few simple tweaks to your website. It’s all a proven formula that takes the effort out of getting clients.

As he finishes, you get a chance to introduce yourself and tell Craig a bit about your business. He smiles, and tells you that you are on the right track – and you have a great opportunity to really boost your business if you just follow the strategies Bedros explained earlier. “Looking forward to watching your success over the next few months,” he says. “You’re really going to make a huge impact on your community.” You nod.

That’s what it’s all about. That’s why you do what you do. You want to make a difference and help people out, just like the TT Summit is helping you. This is awesome. But that’s enough for now, you think. Time to  relax and enjoy yourself, and to get to know the other attendees.

They are a wealth of knowledge, having come from as far away as Australia (many TT Trainers over there!), England (TT Trainers there, too!), and even Canadia!

You’ll learn as much from them as you will from the speakers. Around 11pm you decide to call it a night. While you didn’t get a chance to ask Martin Rooney your training question – he was surrounded by a group of 20 people all night – you’ll get a chance to hit an awesome bootcamp workout with him on Saturday morning. It will be legendary! (And then you’ll have all day to talk to him, too.)

Time for bed and to rest up.  (Or time to hit the Gaslamp District of San Diego, depending on how young and fresh you are!)

What a weekend!

So…does that sound like a plan, or what? Because that’s how it could all go down for you in San Diego at the Turbulence Training Summit in June. Its’ up to you.

Reserve your seat at <= Early bird price ends TODAY

By registering as an Early Bird (Before Friday), you’ll get the lowest Summit investment and you’ll be added to our VIP list for the FridayBody Transformation Contest Winner: Catherine Gordon
night reception (where you’ll get to do all of the above!).

And then we’ll show you how to have your best year ever.

Here’s what Catherine Gordon, one of our 2012 attendees was able to do by acting on just a FRACTION of what she learned last year:

“This time last year, I was teaching 3 small classes a week. This week we’re doubling our floor space to accommodate the rush of new students we’re getting. I think I’ve followed a tenth of the marketing advice I’ve learned at the summit, but what a difference. If there’s any way you can be there, don’t miss it.” – Catherine Gordon, Certified Turbulence Trainer

Catherine was also the winner of my 2nd TT Transformation Contest back in 2008. So TT first helped change her health and fitness, and now it’s helping her make more money and change more lives. Incredible!

Reserve your spot at the 3rd TT Summit with me I can’t wait to hear what this life-changing weekend does for you.

See you soon in San Diego,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – The special Fast Action Taker deal ends TONIGHT…