A Simple 5-Step Checklist to Guarantee an Unstoppable Mindset
Several years ago, my friend Tony came to me overwhelmed. He had just been recruited to lead a large sales organization, and it was a huge step up in both income and responsibility. Only two days into the job his anxiety levels skyrocketed and he came to me in a frenzied panic.
“Craig,” he said, “I’m in way over my head. I left a safe and secure salary, took a big risk, and I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. What have I done?”
I asked Tony if I could share his story and my answer. He agreed on two conditions. The first was anonymity. But the second surprised me. He told me that I could share his story if, and only if, I emphasized just how quickly the mindset shift I’m about to share with you can work.
Back to our lunch. We were sitting at Mastro’s Ocean Club in Newport Beach overlooking the water. I looked at him calmly, took a sip of my ice water, cleared my throat, and said, “Tony, remember when you met your wife? Remember how all your friends said she was out of your league and that you didn’t stand a chance with her?”
“Yeah”, he replied with a puzzled look on his face. I continued, “And do you remember how within six months you proved them all wrong when you proposed and she said ‘yes’?”
“Of course,” he said with the hint of a smile, “But what’s that got to do with managing eighteen sales professionals in a cutthroat industry?”
I responded, “I just wanted to remind you that you’ve already done the “impossible”. In fact, the task ahead of you right now is easier than the victory you had in marrying your wife. Remember how hard you planned and worked to court her? Remember how you spent an entire week prepping for her father’s interrogation when you met him for the first time?”
Tony smirked.
“What lies ahead of you is nothing compared to that. All you need to do is rekindle the Unstoppable Mindset you had when you were courting your wife.”
He lit up like a light bulb had just gone off in his head. As we finished our lunch we took a trip down memory lane and I walked him through the 5 simple steps that I knew would make him a champion once more.
Here’s the thing….
We all face challenges and adversity in our lives. We all have moments of self-doubt, fear, and overwhelm. Even my most successful millionaire clients make mistakes, have bad days, and fall short on their goals. It’s just part of the game we call life. In fact, if you aren’t experiencing these emotions on a regular basis, it’s likely a sign that you’re playing it safe and avoiding growth.
But what separates high performers from everyone else is their ability to overcome the nagging voices of fear and self-doubt whispering in their ear and replace them with an Unstoppable Mindset.
Today, I’m going to teach you the same five-step “Champion’s Checklist” I shared with Tony that will help you build your Unstoppable Mindset. These are the exact tactics and strategies that I personally use (and have used with dozens of my most successful clients) to ensure that I continually master the inner game of success and wake up with energy, enthusiasm, and a burning desire to go after my biggest goals.
Step 1: Developing a Positive Mental Attitude
Right now, I want you to think back to a time when you felt unstoppable. Maybe it was when you won a championship, finished first place in a marathon, wrote your first book, started dating that girl or guy, or received a standing ovation after a big speech. Close your eyes and picture that moment in your mind.
How did you feel? What expression did you have on your face? Right now, try and replicate the state you were in during that moment. Feels good right? Now, I want you to keep thinking about that moment for just a few seconds longer. Allow yourself to experience the rush of emotions and energy that you felt during that victorious instant in your life.
Now, before we end this exercise, I want you to make a fist with your right hand and pound it into your left palm two times. Sounds silly, right? Do it anyways.
This is a technique called “anchoring” and what it does is that it helps your brain associate a positive emotional and mental state with a specific physical movement. If you repeat this exercise every day over the next week or so, you’ll find that you can instantly snap yourself out of a negative mindset simply by balling up your fist and hitting your palm two times.
Tony Robbins, one of the world’s leading experts in the science of personal transformation and peak performance has used this very same tactic for more than four decades every time he prepares to go on stage for an event.
Tony has a very specific anchoring ritual involving jumping, clapping, and an MC Hammer-esque spin (just Google, “Tony Robbins pre-event ritual” and you’ll see what I mean) that allows him to get his mind and body into his most powerful state possible before leading events filled with thousands of people. This simple yet effective anchoring ritual has helped him sustain insane levels of energy and enthusiasm for more than 40 years and, I promise, it will do the same for you.
Use this tactic anytime you find yourself struggling with fear and self-doubt, or, if this is a little too “woo woo” for you, just throw on one of my YouTube videos or another motivational piece of content that will help you break your negative cycle and come back to an unstoppable state.
Step 2: Get a Coach (In Person or Virtual)
If you’re following me on Instagram, then you already have this one (partly) in the bag. While it’s better to hire a professional coach who can work with you 1-on-1 to overcome your biggest obstacles and sticking points, not everyone has the disposable income to do this.
For those of you in the startup phase of your business or career, using virtual coaches, like myself, to build your Unstoppable Mindset is crucial. You should be consuming content every single day from someone who is living the life you want to live. Whether it’s a podcast, an Instagram video, a blog post, or a live phone call, you must fill your mind with positivity and new knowledge every day in order to build your Unstoppable Mindset.
Remember the Law of Environmental Exposure: “Whatever you expose yourself to on a regular basis, you will eventually become.” By intentionally consuming content and ideas from other high achievers you will begin to subconsciously adopt their mindsets, beliefs, and behaviors.
Don’t let a single day go by where you aren’t getting coaching in some way from the people you admire. If you’re struggling to find the right coach, you can always head over to my Instagram account where I post inspirational messages each day to help you overcome fear and become unstoppable in every area of your life.
Step 3: Set Goals that Will Fire You Up and Force You to Grow
Since you’re reading this article right now, I know that you have goals. But have you written them down? Do you review them on a daily basis? Do you regularly revisit your goals and ask yourself, “Is this the most important outcome for me to achieve right now?”.
Anyone can set a goal, but when you have an Unstoppable Mindset, you don’t quit there. You know that repetition is the mother of all success. Write down your goals every day, put them on a post-it note in your office, review them before you go to bed each night, set reminders in your phone, or share them with someone you admire to get extra accountability.
By having a concrete vision for your future and betting on yourself you will start to build your Unstoppable Mindset and start doing the things required to live your best life.
Step 4: Take Massive Action
You can watch motivational videos, listen to coaches, and set goals all day long, but you still have to do the work. You have to take action to get the outcomes you desire. This is the fundamental difference between those with an average mindset and those with an Unstoppable Mindset. Someone with an Unstoppable Mindset will show up every day, clock in, and do the work… No matter what.
“The payoff of living in the past or the future is you never have to do your work in the present.” ~Steven Pressfield
Every Sunday, when you’re planning your Perfect Week, schedule a daily “deep work” slot where you will show up and refine your craft no matter what. Treat this time the same way you would treat a doctor’s appointment or important flight. You wouldn’t miss a flight to meet with an important client, would you? Of course not. You show up punctually and do what you need to do every time. If you want to be extraordinary in business and in life, then you must treat your goals and the daily actions required to achieve them with this same level of respect and reverence.
Step 5: Track and Review Your Performance
Famous entrepreneur and management expert Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets managed”. If you aren’t measuring and reviewing your goals and actions each and every week to make sure that you are performing at the highest levels, you will always be overtaken by someone else who is.
All you need is 10-20 minutes a week to sit down and review 1) What action steps you took during the week, 2) The outcomes of those action steps, and 3) The lessons you learned and the steps you’re going to take to improve your performance over the coming week.
You aren’t trying to make huge leaps here. You just need to get 1% better each day. If you will do this for the next 90, 120, or even 365 days, I promise you that you won’t even be able to recognize the life you are living. Always be learning, always be improving, and always be growing. With dedication and action, you can achieve the life you truly desire.
Together, these five simple steps will help you build your Unstoppable Mindset so that you can get the results you want in every area of your life.
Get started now. Develop your positive mental attitude. Find a coach. Set goals. Take action. Review your performance and then rinse and repeat every single week.
I’ll see you at the top.
Use this millionaire-vetted Morning Routine to build your Unstoppable Mindset today.
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