53 Video Ideas for Facebook

Video ideas for Facebook that you can film today.
Check out these shocking video numbers that our team has discovered…
Let’s say you film a video and post it on YouTube and get 1,000 views.
If you take that same video and upload it directly to Facebook, you’ll get 3-4 times the number of views on your video!
But wait, there’s more…
If you did a LiveStream version of that video, you’ll get another 300% boost (or more!) in viewership.
Facebook Lives are the king of video right now… although Instagram Live videos are building massive momentum… and YouTube is about to roll out its Live video option to everyone very soon.
So why is FB Live the best?
It’s because Facebook rewards people for using their LiveStream service, and will show your video to more of your fans and followers.
Now I understand you might struggle with live video for many reasons, but as I’ve taught you over and over (and over) again:
EVERYTHING is a learnable skill. (Watch this video to get better on camera!)
So if you’re struggling with video ideas…
Don’t worry. I’ve got you. In fact, it’s really easy to create an endless number of videos for your fans.
Your folks want to know everything about you. So take out a piece of paper and separate it into two columns. On the left side, write down all your daily activities. On the right side, write down the Big Lesson you could teach from each one.
Check out this list of ideas I created for one of my Mastermind clients who is a guru in the nutrition and anti-aging space.
For example:
- Wakeup => teach morning beauty ritual
- 1st hour => teach morning routine (I.e. Gratitude, journaling, etc)
- Exercise routine => teach tricks and tips to get more from less
- Breakfast => teach your secrets for cooking breakfast, fast breakfasts, smoothies, etc, plus what NOT to eat
- Workspace => teach productivity tips
- Lunch => teach your secrets for turning leftovers into lunch, as well as wraps, more smoothies, high protein meals to fight afternoon energy slumps, and more
- Afternoon routines => teach “how to have more energy” tips
- Dinner => teach how to cook great meals for the family & how to batch cook for days
- Evening => teach family time tips
- Bedtime => teach your rituals for youth sleep
And the list goes on… You can make videos on…
- What you do for fun
- What you read
- How you keep a relationship strong
- What you do on your weekends and how your routines are different
- What to do if you have young kids
- What to do if you’re over 55
- What to do for your man if he’s unhealthy
- What to do if you ARE a man
- What to do if you’re 21
- What would you do differently if you could give advice to yourself 10 years ago
- Tips for going out in the sun
- Tips for buying clothes to look younger or slimmer or taller… Tour of your closet
- Makeup tips for looking younger
- What to eat at restaurants
- What to pack & eat if you’re at a seminar… Or if you’re out with the girls
- What to take in a carry-on for the airplane
- What groceries to buy at the store
- What to buy on a budget and if you live in a small town
- Your favorite books
- Your most inspirational movies
- Your most inspiring mentors
- How to master a pushup
- What to do for flat abs
- Superfoods to buy
- Anti-aging Superfood recipes to make
- How to slip superfoods into regular meals that other people will eat
- How not to overindulge at a party
- How to deal with negative people
- How to get more done
- How to deal with belly bloat
- How to look 10 years younger in 10 minutes
- Self-care videos
- How to do a home spa day
- How to use a foam roller
- How to appreciate simple things in life
- How you got through tough times
- Your top 5 childhood lessons
- 5 big lessons from your mom and dad (great for Mothers Day and Fathers Day)
- Date night tips
- How to raise kids
- How to make time to start a side business
- How to have more confidence
- Energy tips (physical and mental)
- How to write a book
- How to overcome obstacles
- How to leave a legacy
- How to stop thinking small
- Turn your favorite motivational messages into a show
- 10 things you learned from (insert guru or experience here)
- 5 things you learned in kindergarten
- Vacation tips for staying young
- How to deal with relatives at holiday dinners
- And you can do an endless number of Q&A livestream videos…
This was just my 10-minute list that I brainstormed on an airplane… you can probably come up with twice as many ideas.
Have fun,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Here’s another video for you…
It’ll help you focus on what matters so you make the right decisions for your right life, right now, and always.