Was I wrong? (2014 review)

Now for something that most celebrity astrologers never do, and that’s a look back at my predictions from last year to see where I was right and wrong…
Review of my 2014 Info Predictions
Let’s see how I did!
Prediction #1 – Return of the 7-Figure Launch
I was right and wrong…Right because someone did it (Jeff Radich and team), but a little optimistic on thinking that Shaun Hadsall would do it with Xtreme Fat Loss Diet…although XFLD is still one of the best offers out there (especially with that one killer email that Shaun has written!)
Prediction #2 – Little Guys Figure Out Paid Traffic
It’s a tough game. Launches are still winning. Facebook is hit-or-miss, but there are lots of ad networks out there if you are willing to test and make little bets. Those small steps lead to huge victories. We sold over 40,000 copies of our best program last year through media, and we built a list of over 180,000 people. There were lots of headaches, but it’s better than relying on launches and affiliates.
(Bedros is the master of Facebook. You need to learn from him how to set up your ads. He’ll teach that at our 1-day Mastermind in NYC.)
Prediction #3 – Price & Upsell Erosion Continues
Yep. And it’s getting worse in a way…where will it stop? Can great copy combined with perfect product positioning overcome price erosion? (The answer is yes, see BioTrust…it all depends on copy.)
Prediction #4 – Story Sellers will Make Money & Prosper
Yep. That’s why I want you to read Kevin Harrington’s book, to read his credos, and to study copy from the best in our business (Joel, Jon, and Shaun). If you want to write copy, obsessively watch what they do. Look at how they weave facts into stories that stir emotion and get the reader ready to take action.
Prediction #5 – Paleo & Vegan & Fasting Will Be Category Leaders
Yes, but lots of room for new nutrition stuff…watch for Flexible Dieting and IIFYM to make BIG waves in 2015.
Prediction #6 – You Must Love Your Customers Like Family
Yep. PS – I love you.
Prediction #7 – Generous Action Takers Will Rule the World
Yes. Great examples of this in 2014 were Tyler Bramlett, Big Ben Pakulski, and David Sinick. 2014 was another big year for partnerships because our Internet Independence family is made up of such amazing people like you.
You rock, and the entire II world is going to get massively bigger in 2015. Can’t wait to see the mega-breakthroughs that happen because of YOU. Time to change the world. Let’s go!
Prediction #8 – Generosity & Personal Growth will Grow Your Biz
This is so true. The most generous guys I know are also the wealthiest. That includes Joel Marion, Mike Geary, and Bedros Keuilian in the fitness industry, and my good friends Porter Stansberry and Matt Smith in the financial world.
That is why I put so much time and energy into traveling the world to spend time with them. You do become the average of the people you spend the most time with, but seeing people 4x’s per year at Mastermind meetings and Fitness Business Summit is not enough. You must immerse yourself amongst the people you want to be like. Get out of your comfort zone today!
As our businesses mature, we must be mature and become even better people at the same time. It takes more ‘personal’ work to become better bosses, to grow employees, to help our people achieve more with the potential they have. And that’s going to be a BIG theme in 2015. It all starts with your personal generosity. A great example is Joel Marion – look at the generosity he bestows upon his affiliates and customers…and surely will upon his employees as he and Josh grow BioTrust.
Within our own businesses, we have a similar opportunity to be generous with opportunity and our knowledge. The smarter that you can make your employees, partners, affiliates, apprentices, and copywriters, the better off you will be.
Get better every single day,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Don’t be wrong in 2015.
Make the Right decisions, Right now, for your Right Results.
The first big decision to make is to get your online BIG hook and copy dialed in, so that you can do a big launch of your product and make your first 100-1000 sales in 2015. We’ll show you how.
Join Bedros and I in New York for a 1-Day Mastermind on Saturday, February 21st <= correct date!
This is your chance to make 2015 your BIG year. Get rid of the limits in your life. Focus on the abundance. You can do this, just take action and e-mail Joan@Keuilian.com to reserve your spot.