Why Empathy is Your Most Powerful Brand Connection
Empathy is your most powerful brand connection. Persuasive storytelling creates an emotional response — empathy — in the mind of the customer.
READ MORE7 Steps for Turning Big Ideas Into Big Money
Big-money ideas are almost always new and different. As such, they are often only vaguely articulated, and therefore difficult to implement in a methodical way. You need a plan that includes specific objectives you’ve already identified… along with deadlines and designees. Above all, you need persistence. Because, despite whatever plan…
READ MOREWhen the Price is Right You Buy (And You Win)
I wanted to learn how to breakdance, so when I was 14 I paid a kid $15 to teach me how. I paid him out of my hard-earned newspaper route money. I saw him in the street, spinning on a piece of linoleum. He had three friends with him, all…
READ MOREHow to Get Money — And Keep It
Even if you are already wealthy, some thought on this topic is worthwhile. What would you do if some act of God or of government, a catastrophic lawsuit, or a really serious misjudgment took you back to square one? One thing about a real depression is that everybody loses. As…
READ MORE8 Reasons Your Clients Aren’t Paying You
You did the work. Actually, you did the work extremely well. In fact, not only did you do the work extremely well, you completed the entire project under budget and ahead of schedule. So why isn’t your client paying? All invoicing businesses, from freelancers to major firms, experience delinquent payers.…
READ MOREHow to Transform Your Copy in 3 Steps
Writing copy can make you feel — as Kurt Vonnegut once said, “like an armless, legless, man with a crayon in his mouth.” Even if you’re passionate about what you do, the keyboard has a magical ability to zap your mojo. The brilliant ideas rattling in your head morph into…
READ MOREHow One Wealthy Family Created a 38-Year-Old Billionaire
This is the story of a rich kid from Silicon Valley… with great connections. His father and stepfather were both successful investment bankers. But this kid’s career path took a different shape. In high school, he wasn’t much of a student. He cruised along with a B average. Most of his time and attention…
READ MOREThe Number One Rule for Copywriting Success
You don’t have to have great ideas if you hear great ideas — Eugene Scwartz Eugene Schwartz was one of the greatest copywriters of his day, but these days he is one of the most elusive to learn about. Schwartz was the genius who helped large businesses, like Boardroom, Inc.,…
READ MOREWhat Facebook Did Right With Employees
On a cold winter’s day in February of 2004, in a Harvard dorm room, a 19-year old Mark Zuckerberg officially launched TheFacebook.com (Facebook’s original digital home). Membership was originally limited to Harvard College but soon spread to other Ivy League schools, and eventually to the world. Facebook grew rapidly, and…
READ MOREWhy Smart Investors Apply Next-Level Thinking
Being ignorant of your ignorance is fatal in the world of investing. You could be taking on far more risk than you know. Recently, I was asked at a social function about the volatility of the share market. My distilled response was “The market is reacting to deflation and there’s…
READ MORE3 Marketing Lessons from Coldplay
Think back to the first time when you heard a Coldplay song. Seems like just yesterday, right? Well, the band has been together now for 20 years. Twenty years! My how time flies. Last month Joel Marion and I went to a Coldplay show in Denver. It was good, but…
READ MOREHow to Invest in Stocks for Lifetime Wealth
With a net worth of $66 billion, Warren Buffett is the second-richest man in America. Most people know Buffett as a great investor. Why? Early in his investing career, he realized that there were certain businesses that had strategic advantages — advantages that allowed them to continue to grow bigger…