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6 Rules for Making Any Investment

By Simon Black | 07/26/2016

This morning as I glanced at the headlines, I had to sit back and wonder — when did the world get so crazy? Interest rates across the West are at zero or negative. Bankrupt governments are selling 100-year bonds with tiny interest rates, while others have convinced investors to pay…


How to Spread Good Ideas

By Nick Papple | 07/25/2016

Imagine you have a product that can solve a major problem in the world. How would you go about getting your product in the hands of as many people as possible? Elon Musk has a pretty great answer for that. Over the past 10 years, Musk and his three companies…


Video Podcast: Seriously Important

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/25/2016

75! That’s how many podcast interviews I’ve now done this year. Some of them have been lame, most have been ‘good enough’, and then some of them have been awesome, like this one. The young man who interviewed me is determined to make millions with his podcast, and he put…


How to Get More Sales, Fewer Refunds

By Bob Bly | 07/20/2016

Subscriber DN, whom we heard from last week, asked yet another interesting question: “Bob, I’ve purchased information products from you, and found your information to be sound, but nowhere near as good as your sales letter makes it out to be.” Talk about a back-handed compliment…. She continues: “I am…


5 Secrets to Steal from Weight Watchers

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/18/2016

“Oh, look at that beautiful baby bump. How many months pregnant are you?” “I’m not.” Ouch. You can only imagine how Jean Nidetch felt when a neighbor mistook her weight gain for pregnancy. The insult motivated Jean to attend local weight loss clinics, but she couldn’t stick with them for…


A Book Marketing Trick I Discovered By Accident

By Ryan Holiday | 07/15/2016

With Trust Me I’m Lying, I accidentally stumbled upon a marketing technique that not only helped the book but in some ways charted a new course for my career. Early on in the book’s launch, I made the following offer: I would speak to or at any school that assigned my…


What Does Your Customer Expect is Going to Happen?

By Nick Papple | 07/13/2016

What does your customer expect is going to happen when they purchase your product or service? That is the question you should be asking every time you craft a new advertisement or marketing campaign. When you go to a restaurant, you expect to feel full after your meal. When you…


The Chop Wood Carry Water Method For Getting Clients

By Jason Leister | 07/13/2016

You’ve probably heard the saying about “before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water – after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” That’s what I do in my business. I chop wood, I carry water. Today, I’d like to tell you the story of how that came about and why it’s become such…


The Biggest Mistake Young People Make ‘Seeking’ a Mentor

By Nick Papple | 07/12/2016

First off, there’s nothing wrong with “seeking” out a mentor. I encourage you to find someone you respect, who is doing something you’d like to be doing one day, and start a relationship with this person. However, I don’t want you to find a mentor so they can teach you stuff or help you grow.…


The Millennial Advantage

By Nick Papple | 07/6/2016

In business, there’s something called the Millennial Advantage. I don’t know if anyone has coined “Millennial Advantage” yet — but consider it coined now. What you need to know about the Millennial Advantage is that it’s not limited to millennials — anyone can possess it. In fact, a lot of professionals…


3 Ways Ego Will Derail Your Career

By Ryan Holiday | 07/5/2016

Ego can derail your career success by causing you to gossip and talk instead of take action, have a passion without a purpose, and more.


The Truth About Passive Income for Young People

By Nick Papple | 06/30/2016

If you’re young and ambitious but don’t have a lot of money yet, this is the kind of career advice you need to hear. Sol Orwell the founder of, just finished hosting an AMA on Reddit. If you missed it, I’ll save you some time and share my two highlights from…