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Lessons from a Direct-Marketing Legend, Part 1

By Bob Bly | 06/17/2004

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” – Albert Einstein Gene Schwartz was a direct-marketing legend. One ad that he wrote sold 1.98 million copies of a single $25 book — resulting in sales of nearly $50 million. Gene also wrote the ad that launched Boardroom,…


How to Turn Your Customers Into Your Best Salespeople

By Graham McGregor | 06/15/2004

“Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.” – W. Edwards Deming If you do something nice for me, I want to reciprocate. In fact, I NEED to reciprocate — and as soon as possible. That way,…


Turn $1000 and a Weekend of Work Into $10,000

By Justin Ford | 06/10/2004

  “With every project you do, you bring out a part of yourself, and it seems to be quite a good way of expanding a person.” – Kate Beckinsale If you’re considering putting your house on the market, make sure you know how to get the most bang for your…


How to Start a Profitable ETR Microbusiness in 30 Days, Part 1

By Early To Rise | 06/7/2004

“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.” – Niccolo Machiavelli Two years ago, Dan Domerofski was laid off as a financial analyst. After several weeks of unsuccessfully searching for a replacement job, he…


Does the Entrepreneurial Spirit Run in Your Family?

By Early to Rise | 06/5/2004

In 1910, Arthur Lacerte began his successful business career by opening a general store in central Canada. He enjoyed his experience so much that he never stopped talking about it — especially to his children and grandchildren, many of whom became entrepreneurs too. In fact, for four generations, almost all…


How to Sell ANYTHING — Including Your Ideas and Yourself

By Early To Rise | 06/3/2004

It doesn’t matter whether you are writing an invitation, an e-mail asking for something, a memo outlining a proposal, a speech presenting your ideas, or a note to your sweetheart asking for forgiveness, the basic rules apply: The message is about the reader and his interests, needs, and desires, not…


Your Local Real Estate Agent: Friend or Foe?

By Justin Ford | 06/2/2004

“Donald Trump made $375,000 for each of the 16 episodes of “The Apprentice” — a total of $6 million. Here’s what he had to say about it: “That may sound like a lot of money, but real estate is still better.” As a real-estate investor or a homebuyer, you want…


What Good Marketers Know About Choice, Part 2

By Early To Rise | 06/1/2004

“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” – Deepak Chopra One of the main points Dr. Barry Schwartz makes in his book, “The  Paradox of Choice: Why…


Help More Search Engine Users Find Your Website

By Bob Bly | 05/28/2004

“Searching is half the fun: Life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.” – Jimmy Buffett Many ETR readers have asked me for advice on search-engine optimization — increasing your ranking in search engines so that when your prospect searches…


A Marketing Gambit That Almost Never Fails

By Bob Bly | 05/26/2004

“The basic rule of free enterprise: You must give in order to get.” – Scott Alexander In the late 1970s, when I worked at my first marketing job with Westinghouse, we had a secret marketing weapon we referred to as the “junk cabinet.” It was filled with all sorts of…


6 Ways to Get Rich

By Early to Rise | 05/26/2004

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” – Benjamin Franklin In his book The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach says there are six ways to get enough money to be rich: 1. Win it. Although playing the lottery is the “No. 1 way working people try to get rich,” it’s the…


Cash in on the Next Big Wealth Trend

By Early To Rise | 05/24/2004

“Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while maintaining privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.” – Noam Chomsky If you had invested $10,000 in the U.S. economy 50 years ago, you’d be worth about 10 million dollars today. Maybe more. As compared…